Wednesday 31st August 2022

The sky was overcast when the riders gathered but as the day wore on the sky's cleared and excellent conditions awaited the four groups that left Holt Drive for different destinations.

Longish Ride

Report by Vic

Quite a largish group had gathered by the time JC arrived.

As he had not got any willing leaders he asked around for volunteers. Mick and I were thrust forward as potential cannon fodder!

He suggested Mick went to the Deli in Long Clawson (the very destination I was considering!) so I quickly recalculated and suggested The Welcome Cafe at Twyford.

There was a largish group for the shorter rides but I had a group of 5.

As the hedge had been cut on the A6 cycle path I decided to head out via Maucklen Wood to Woodhouse then Swithland and onto Cossington where we picked up the canal path to Syston.

Anyone who knows my leading will recognise this as my usual return route!

We headed through Barkby past Hungarton and through Loseby estate grounds and onto the road about a mile from our destination.

The most notable thing about the cafe was the way orders were taken and delivered it seemed the waiter or kitchen could only cope with one persons order at a time so it took a while for us all to be served our chosen refreshments. It reminded me a little of Acorn Antiques!

We added an unnecessary hill to Thorpe Satchville on the way back as I liked the gated road to Gaddesby! Returning via Gaddesby, Rearsby, E Goscote and Cossington where I left the group to wind their way home.

I had covered 38 miles hopefully all had enjoyed the ride.

Short Ride 1

Report by John

Myles, Andrew, Derek, Betty, Paul, Graham, Rosalind & Rob remained once the other rides had left. It was decided to head for East Goscote.

After negotiating Market Square before the 10am ban the riders headed out via Meadow lane. The other "short ride" group could be seen ahead when they arrived at the traffic lights before the railway bridge. However red lights and pulling in, to allow a large lorry to pass the group, meant that those riders were soon lost to sight .

Once in Stanford the group turned south to Cotes and then climbed the A60 to Hoton before heading east to Wymeswold. 

Rosalind & Derek leading Andrew, Rob, Myles & Paul.

The riders then headed north to Wysall before turning west with the wind behind them to head for East Leake. Having established that the Love & Piste Cafe now closes on Wednesdays the group headed for the village centre, sharing their custom between Birds and Bryer's.

Myles, Andrew, Derek, Betty, Paul & Rob 

Graham chose to take a different route home but the remaining riders took the direct route back to Loughborough past Stanford Hall, arriving back in town around noon.

Short medium ride

Report by Eric

On the last Meteriorigical day of summer as the LWC assembled in disorderly fashion at Holt Drive, the rides where read out by JC.

The lazy days of summer were obviously still in weary legs, as an extraordinary number moved over to John's “corner” in the “signing up” to a short ride to East Leake

John was rather taken aback and declared there seemed too many.

There was a dreamy, absent minded muttering from the back “we could just split into two and go the same way" said Eric, as if talking to himself, which he usually was!

“Eric’s volunteered to lead a ride” quipped Marcus, as the quick witted Doctor took advantage of the omadhaun next to him.

“Who" said Eric.

“Well done Eric” said John “What about Bradmore garden centre?”

“Where" said Eric

"On the A 60” said John

“Oh” was the reply … Cleary as much bewildered having been “chosen’ as the usual befuddled haze that occupied the space between his ears.

As they set off it a direction of his choosing but not for any practical purpose (like it may have been the correct way for example), what was even stranger, was that 7 people followed him, probably as much out of devilment to see how ridiculous this would be, as any possible enjoyment they may gain from it.

There was of course the Good Doctor eager to see how his jape played out and his wife Sue joined the merriment, who had given Cycling a miss for some time having spent 90 days confined in small tin box with Marcus meant she had probably had a bellyful of japing to last a lifetime.

Also came the ever sensible Keith, knowing that an adult may be required along the way, and Brian, John N, Dom, and Margaret in the mistaken believe this ride would be back early to enable her to get to her appointment.

They ambled off to Forest Road and immediately Keith took over and led them through the back lanes to Meadow Lane. From there they rode to Stanford and turned right to Cotes.

Keith pretended to allow Eric to lead the ride for a while and they meandered across the A60, down back lane and onto Cotes road before heading left on Bandalls lane, then left again onto Walton Lane then a left and right and up the winding hill to Burton.

This was where Sue first showed the advantage of Electric assist and sped ahead, whilst Eric made up some lame excuse about not finding bottom gear and the inadequacies of Graham and a mechanical tutor!

Down into Burton turning right at the mini roundabout and then left on the way to Wymeswold. Turning off the Main Street then heading up the sharp incline on Wysall lane and off the went down a road marked “closed”

However it wasn’t until Wysall itself were the roadworks were encountered but they were easily bypassed on bikes.

As the came to the T junction Eric consulted Google maps and triumphantly declared “left”

“Right” echoed a chorus of seven and followed Keith

A short way up Keyworth Road Keith led them left along Bradmore road which soon became a very steep downward hill on a very bumpy surface.

They cycled on a few more miles and arrived at Cherry lane Bradmore garden centre and sat down for coffee (strangely decaffeinated only available !!)

In his final joke of the day Marcus made the half witted one, buy his sausage roll for him, who even failed to get his cyclist's discount inspite of wearing ridiculous shorts for the occasion and a cycling helmet perched on his head!

After a lot of sitting about chatting and prevarication by a rudderless group, Margaret made a sensible decision to leave on her own for fear of bad company and missing her appointment!

Having finally admitted he had never been to Bradmore before and had no idea what he was doing Eric relinquished all pretence of leadership to Keith.

Off they set turning left out of the garden centre and heading back as if to Wysall. Everyone was alarmed thinking the steep bumpy hill would have to be traversed in the opposite, more painful direction but the the ever sensible new leader turned right down the small track, Fairham Brook lane to Bunny.

At Bunny they crossed the A 60 once more and headed down Gotham lane past the British Gypsum works and turned left opposite Rushcliffe golf course, and left again down Into East Leake … having missed the other group by some hours!!

Here Brian and Keith decided the joke had gone too far and departed in the opposite direction home via West Leake and Sutton Bonnington.

The rest trudged up past the Donkey sanctuary and did a right and left at the top and then sped back down to Stanford on soar.

The rapid descent was made interesting, by an even more rapid Tandem overtaking them with the ultra brave rear rider allowing his mate to negotiate the potholes in a remarkable feat of trust.

At Stanford the last vestiges of the group split as Marcus,Sue and Dom headed back to Loughborough and John N and Eric turned off to Barrow.

It ended up being a slight longer, "short ride" than expected but maybe Marcus will keep his practical jokes to himself for the sake of his fellow cyclists in future!

Long ride led by Mick

Report by Jeff♀

The sky was dark grey and the air was chilly when we rolled up to Holt Drive, so most people had sensibly brought coats or long sleeves. It seemed 4 of us - me (Jeff), Rob, Robert and our leader Mick were headed to Long Clawson's Sands cafe. However, Phil decided to join us and Howard caught up from behind as we were on our way out of Loughborough.

We rarely take the main roads out of Loughborough and this time was no exception. We went near to Charnwood water on our way out of town and headed on up to Burton on the Wolds.

We had hardly started the journey when it got very hot and sunny, so we all stopped to remove our coats. Then we continued to Wymeswold, up Wymeswold wall, skipping the shortcut and instead crossing the roundabout to a wonderful descent into Kinoulton.

In Kinoulton near the roundabout, Mick steered us off into what seemed to be someone's large house. Well, it may have been, but it was also home to a plaque about Dick Turpin, which is where we took our group photo.

More hills awaited us, but not until after our café stop, at the "Sands" cafe which apparently was renamed years ago to ... Something else which I can't remember. After a kerfuffle of deciding to sit inside or outside or at a bench across the road, we decided on sitting at the back of the café, but it was a sad decision as the food had a tax price increase for eating in the café.

I think we all agreed the coffee was a bit expensive, and while I loved the chocolate brownie, the teacake didn't hit the spot for me.

It was decided that I'd write the ride report, after I claimed I'd never need to write it as I take the pictures. Topics of discussion included the current affairs of old famous cyclists, and technical wheel and tyre chat.

We left the café and headed towards some horrible hill which Phil seemed terrified to go near, but Howard insisted was the easier route back. Well, the hill was tough, and I was the last to the top after needing to step off and walk part of the way.

Not too long after, we were waiting at a junction for Mick to catch up, when a pedestrian started recording on his phone and trying to rile us up with some rude comments about cyclists.

A few of us were rightfully annoyed by the encounter but put the energy into powering back to Loughborough. For a bit, Phil led us down Six hills lane, before Howard and I started taking it in turns to push the lead down the gentle descent.

At Burton on the Wolds, we regrouped, and turned left, avoiding Hoton before heading back to Loughborough through Stanford. Half the group had peeled off, leaving me and Robert to contend with Howard's agility course home through Loughborough. And, as a last minute stop, Howard and I confirmed the rumours that Go Outdoors is having a closing down sale, although it is not actually closing down, just refurbishing.

Total ride length for myself: 45 miles.
