Wednesday 24th August 2022

On an Overcast but muggy Wednesday morning a sizeable group of eager cyclists had gathered at the Holt Drive meeting point.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

JC duly arrived and with a bit of arm twisting 3 rides were offered. I was asked to lead a 30 mile ride so chose Ulvescroft as the destination. This always puts off a sizeable chunk of the potential candidates due to its location at the top of the Forest!

However 4 willing volunteers joined me and we set out at a leisurely pace through Mucklin Wood to emerge in Woodhouse Eaves from where we meandered through Swithland, Thurcaston, Anstey, Newtown Linford where we started the long gradual climb to Markfield. After safely negotiating the A50 via the crossing we attacked the last mile with gusto.

Sitting outside on the decking proved to be a very enjoyable experience with views over the valley and forest.

I enjoyed 2 of my ‘5 a day’ with a slice of the courgette and cucumber cake whilst others chose from the excellent cake menu.

We departed suitably refreshed and headed home via Copt Oak where Patrick and Rob decided to head straight home via Nanpantan Road whilst the rest of us meandered back via Stoneywell, Old John, Rothley station where I headed home and Rob and Betty headed back via Wood Lane to Quorn.

I had covered 33 miles so guess the rest would have done the requisite 30 by the time they got home.

Hope all enjoyed it as much as myself.

The weather forecast had been for a dry day with sunny intervals, but as riders arrived at Holt drive some ominously dark clouds put in an appearance and a slight drizzle set in.

Short Ride

Report by John

This week Patrick, Andrew, Myles, Eric, Marcus, Derek, Dom, John & Clyde opted for the short ride. It was decided to head for Bawdon Lodge Farm as the sky indicated the showers might be encountered.

The group set out through the Univerity and then on to the north of Shepshed via Garendon Park where they overtook a large group of walkers. Tickow Lane and Charley Road led them to Bawdon Lodge, but upon arrival it was found to be closed as the roof was being insulated, presumably in an attempt to ameliorate the cost of heating in the coming winter.

Myles & Marcus leading Clyde, Patick & Dom.

After a brief discussion the riders reversed back down Charley Road and wended their way to the Monastery Tea Rooms where they were allowed in a little early as they do not formally open until 11am.

Patrick, Andrew, Myles, Eric, Marcus, Derek, Dom & Clyde at St. Joseph's Tea Rooms.

Duly refreshed the bulk of the riders returned via Woodhouse and Quorn, with some peeling off at various points, arriving ;back in Loughborough at noon.

Long Ride

Report by Howard

Seven of us set of on the long ride to Stenson Lock Cottage tea rooms. The group comprised; Margaret, Mick, Dave, Tricia, Myself and two new face Russel and Stephen. Being the long ride we set off heading in the opposite direction to our intended destination before veering N.N.West to Normanton on Soar and Kegworth and Shardlow. 

From here it was approximately West to Aston on Trent, Weston on Trent, and Swarkstone. reaching Barrow on Trent we turned off right (North) to do a short loop over the railway and canal before bringing us back to the tea stop. Electronic prompts alerted us as to when our refreshments were ready and the Stenson Lock Cottage tea rooms proved and excellent choice to stop at. 
Margaret, Mike, Dave, Tricia and Russell 

Back over the canal and railway, left and, left again at the T junction meant we were heading back through Barrow... to Swarkstone repeating part of our earlier route meant we could then pick up the Cloud Trail back to Tonge. From here it was the often taken route through Belton, Shepshed, and Garendon back to Loughborough.

A total of over 40 miles (65k at a steady 20kph) and very little ascent. N.B. Stephen left  before the picture was taken as he need to get back earlier than we intended to. The canal and lock is just the other side of the building.
