Wednesday 17th August 2022

A cloudy morning with intermittent drizzle greeted the riders as they gathered in Holt Drive..

Short Ride

Report by John

Once the longer rides had left John, Eric, Betty, Andrew, Myles, Derek and John remained.

It was decided to take a circuitous route to the village shop in Normanton on Soar and the riders initally headed south. Just on the outskirts of Quorn Andrew discovered that he had a soft tyre. A quick stop and some first aid from John's pump soon had the tyre back up to full pressure and it remained inflated for the rest of the ride.

After crossing the Soar the riders arrived in Barrow only to stop again as Eric's bike started making some disturbing noise. It turned out that a spoke had broken in his rear wheel. Eric decided that discretion is the better part of valour and decided to head for home and then the cycle repair shop.

The remaining half dozen then headed north to Cotes and then on skirting East Leake and taking Brickyard Lane to West Leake. After a climb to Hungary Lane the riders descended to Sutton Bonington and then head south for refreshment at the village shop in Normanton.

Andrew, ;Betty, Derek, David & Myles at Normanton on Soar Village Shop.

Duly refreshed the riders returned to Loughborough via Fox Hill, arriving back at approximately 12.15 .

Medium Ride

Report by Eric

The sun was trying to shine as we met at Holt drive and temperatures were struggling up to 7 degrees. What was remarkable was how many very fit and able riders decided to join the distinctly unfit and unable riders, on Howard's shortish flatish ride to Syston. What was unsure was whether it was the possibility of the early onset rain in the forecast that led to this prudence or indeed the early onset of dementia that led some to forget how far they were capable of riding? Alternatively it could just be January blues and recovery from over indulgence during the festive season that meant this was seen more as a recovery ride than a full blown fitness exercise! We will not name who falls, into which category, in order to protect the guilty.
So onto Outwoods Drive, Beacon Road and Crosshill lane, went Howard followed by Vic, Rob, Keith, John, Clyde, Mick, Jeff, Eric,…..,….. etc. (apologies for missing at least two names if you wish to be mentioned send a WhatsApp to the group, neither myself or Howard could remember everyone). 

Howard led us across Park Road and gave us a guided tour of Loughborough estates built in the 90s and early 2000s. Finally we came out on the A6 near Aldi and the followed the old A6 to Quorn. At the lights we turned left onto Farley Way and headed to Barrow on Soar (not yet under the Soar in spite of recent heavy rain).
At the Dinosaur roundabout we turned right and made progress on the road towards the ever sunny Sileby. At the end of Main Street Cossington we turned left at the `T junction and crossing the railway we went over the large roundabout and did some battle with the trucks and trailers coming off the dual carriageway as we went under the A46 and at the next Roundabout we turned right towards Syston. Passing the Gate Hangs Well we continued into Syston via a path by the brook and through Central Park. I hasten to add we were still in Syston … not in its larger cousin in the Big Apple … this was not so much Little Apple or even Crab Apple … more Apple pip!
We arrived at The New World Cafe (where do all these American references come from in an insignificant Leicestershire town) and commandeered several tables. Conversations included the sad demise of David Duckham, the sadder demise of rugby as a spectator sport and the horrors of the Mugabe regime — although not necessarily were all of these topics related!

After tea and buns all round we set off again. Back through the park following the Barkby Brook and crossing Fosse way we headed towards the canal hoping the towpath was not yet flooded. On the way the leaf mulch and mould proved once again hazardous as Eric in an attempt to avoid Vic's wheels, braked and the front wheel went from under him on the old leaf sludge prevalent at this time of year and came down with a thump that was considerably heavier than it would have been prior to Christmas! He got to his feet with the 2 bruised Es (Elbow and Ego) only to find his watch was not only asking him if he was ok but was also demanding a status report or it would call an ambulance!! Technology is a wonderful thing but……its bad enough having the wife, the daughter, and also Alexa and Siri, bossing you about in your dotage without another woman, Wendy The Watch, chipping in too! Anyway all was well and we headed on to the canal towpath and found to our relief that was not yet submerged and we cycled to the top of Platts lane without falling in. Here Vic and Eric departed to Cossington and Sileby respectively.
Howard and the rest of the merry band turned left into Rothley and went back to Loughborough passed Budden Wood down into Quorn and then along the old A6. 

A grand day out all before the rain arrived !









