Wednesday 27th July 2022

A lovely summer's morning produced an excellent turnour with four rides setting out from Holt Drive.

Short Ride

Report by John

The short ride again proved to be popular this week with both Johns, Patrick, Isobel, Eric, Marcus, Derek & Pat opting to come along.

Originally the Race Hub at Six Hills was suggested for the refreshment stop but it was pointed out that they now only opened sporadically. It was therefore decided to reverse the route and head for Millie's Tea Room at High Meadows Farm.

This meant heading across Loughborough to exit via Meadow Lane. However Forest Road was closed necessitating the riders taking the jitty past the Leisure Centre. At the Storer House traffic lights John and Derek go through on the green while the remainder of the group awaited the green light. John and Derek headed to Market Square (you are allowed to ride through until 10am) and awaited the other riders. However several minutes with no riders putting in an appearance John phone Isobel and ascertained that they had taken the one way system and were heading for Meadow Lane. A swift pursuit brought the group back together.

The group again got split by the traffic lights just before the railway bridge. While riders waited for the group to come together again, Patrick (who was concerned that he might not be able to keep up with the group) decided to make a break for it and was not caught until the riders arrived at High Meadows Farm.

The riders in Narrow Lane

The riders took a right in Stanford to Cotes and then up the main road (which generally has light traffic mid morning) up to Hoton and then on to Wymeswold. Narrow Lane led them to Six Hills and then the riders turned west onto the slightly descending Salt Way to refreshments at Millie's.

Patrick, Isobel, John, Eric, Marcus, Derek & Pat at Ellie's Tea Room

After sampling the excellent cakes the riders returned via Barrow and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough just after noon.

Medium Ride

Report by David

There were lots of people ready for a ride at Holt Drive, and the weather was ideal. The temperature was warm, with white clouds and it had been weeks since there had been a spell of rain.

Mick Gould led a group of riders in a leisurely ride to Melbourne. He was followed by Bryan Twist, David, Keith, Margaret, Rob Stephens, Myles, Paul, Phil and Mick Gibson.

We set off via Ashleigh Drive to the University, then to Oakwood Drive. We had a momentary pause in order not to miss the Bathaus, which was quiet as any sensible bat would be asleep at this time. There was no sign of discarded bottles and cans. Clearly the bats are not into parties.

After joining the A512, we crossed the M1 and continued to Shepshed. We turned down Leicester Road and Cambridge Road, carrying on ahead until we met Tickow Lane. After turning right, we dropped down Hallamford Road to the left. Soon after turning onto the Narrow Carr Lane, we were encountered by a lorry for fallen stock collection, and needed to dismount to let that pass.

Crossing the fields, we could see many dried crops as yet unharvested. We crossed the B5324 into Belton, then turned right opposite the Queens Head to go down Mill Lane. We went straight at the riding school and joined Gelscoe lane for the A42 roundabout. At the roundabout we took the first left along Top Brand. There was much discussion about which route we’d use to get to the Cloud Trail. The verdict was to charge down Bull Hill into Worthington. As we came up Church Street there was a lady being attended to by paramedics. Next, we turned right along Breedon Lane. The right turn for the cloud trail took us by surprise, but we carried along that track until we reached Doctor’s Lane. We crossed the bridge to re-join the Cloud Trail the other side of the A42.

The Cloud Trail is a most pleasant way to cycle, but one must be aware of oncoming cyclists and dogs. We emerged up the steep path leading to Station Road. A short while later, after peeling off left onto Castle Street, we were at Melbourne Hall just after 11 o’clock. We squeezed round a big table outdoors to enjoy a chat, and tea was served up in a large enamel teapot, unless you had Earl Grey. But then, it was ordinary china, not bone china. Mick G meanwhile got talking to some women whom he knew on another table. The Bakewell tart was popular and can be recommended.

Myles, David, Keith, Margaret, Robert, Mike, Mick, Paul and Bryan on the Cloud trail.

After leaving Melbourne Hall just before noon, we proceeded back up Castle Street, into Station Road, but turned left into Jawbone Lane. We crossed the Main Street in Kings Norton onto Trent Lane, then took the path down to the Cloud Trail. This provided us with a longer ride on the Cloud Trail going back. Instead of going back through Worthington and having to climb Bull Hill, we turned left to go around the quarry. As we cycled under the trees, Mick G noticed an unnerving sway of his bike. Upon close inspection, it was apparent that the triangular section of frame on the right had sheared in 2 places near the back wheel. It was ascertained that he could probably cycle home, gently. Bryan and David decided to stay with him.

The three of us successfully negotiated the remainder of the climb to Top Brand, then after we had turned right a short way, Bryan managed to fix a cable tie to support the frame.

From here we retraced our outward route through Belton, Carr Lane and until we got up the steep hill at the end of Hallamford Road, Shepshed. Thence the less hilly route was via the Garendon estate.

Once in Loughborough, we made homeward journeys, and should have been home by 2 pm.

The ride length was 32.5 miles, the outward direction averaging about 10 mph. We gained 1355 feet in altitude.

Medium Ride 2

Report by Alan

After what seems an age, (if I see another cumulative frequency graph drawn badly I will lose the will to live) I returned to the fold, trying to keep a low profile and avoid leading a ride and hence having to write a ride report. Sadly it was not to be as the numbers arriving grew and grew. Marcus had turned up looking like Bear Grylis, Eric was nursing a dodgy knee, and Derek was there deciding that Loughborough was enjoying hotter weather than Spain.

In perfect cycling conditions, Brian and Dave (aka the Clint Eastwood of the Wednesday group ... a man of few words) set off with me. Our destination for refreshments was the Old School House at Stanton by Dale. I picked this as
a) Trish said it was one of her favourite venues (but she wasn’t there) and
b) the ride would consist of about 10 miles of canal paths on a glorious dry, warm, sunny day.

Our outward course took us to Kegworth along the A6, Long Lane and then a right turn through Sawley Marina. From here the canal path goes on for miles. We eventually left the trail at Sandiacre and took to the road for a couple of miles before passing through Erewash Valley golf course. Unfortunately a slight hiccup occurred in that the Old School House was shut with a terse notice on the window saying “closed at this present time” with no more details than that. 

Undeterred, we pressed on for another 3 miles and decamped at Lanes Garden Centre, just outside Risley. Here Brian and Dave sat down to bacon and sausage cobs (at reasonable prices). Being on an “open farm”, close to animals, meant swatting away numerous flies and this provoked Dave into saying his first words on the trip. Reminiscing followed on the good old days where one could get a GP appointment, dentists extracted teeth for free, Pedal Power in Loughborough charged reasonable prices, shops offered to take cash etc. etc.

Our journey after that took us through Breaston and Long Whatton before rejoining the A6. The first half of the route was as flat as a pancake but there were a few slopes on the second half of the ride. Strava tells me that the route took in a total elevation 337 metres at a leisurely 11 mph for a total of 37 miles (I did promise 38 miles back at Holt Drive but nobody believed me!). Oh ... and I forgot to take a photo.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

It was good to see some members who hadn’t been for a while rejoin the fold! Eric with his dikkie knee,Marcus the nomadic wanderer and Alan after his exam marking etc and last but not least Diappearing Dave after last weeks debacle!!

There was quite a large group this week waiting for JC to announce the different offerings.

I had offered a 40ish miler to Eye Kettleby Lakes. When the dust had settled I had 3 volunteers a new member Steve a friend of Pats from Wymeswold, Rob S and Andrew.

The 4 of us set out in a roundabout way to Woodhouse through the new estates to find the path across the fields. Emerging next to Beaumanor Hall. We proceeded through Swithland, Rothley, Cossington Ratcliffe, Thrussington, Brooksby, Rotherby, Gadesby and finally Great Dalby where we turned left towards Melton eventually arriving at our destination. We sat outside next to the Koi pond which had some largish specimens cruising just under the surface. I can thoroughly recommend the fruit cake and 3 of us had this as our chosen treat.

Steve left early as he needed to be back. The remaining 3 of us set off back via Kirby Bellars , Asfordby, Hoby, Ragdale, Burton and finally we split up at Bandalls lane I headed home and the other 2 headed to Loughborough.

I feel a special mention needs to go to Rob for his unfailing cheerfulness in the face of 3 riders who were setting a pace that was a little testing especially on the uphill sections. Steve obviously trains with the Wymeswold Olympic squad, Andrew is obviously half mountain goat and I was trying to keep up!

I had done just under 50 miles my guess is the others would have done just over 40 miles.

I apologise to the group for inflicting my opinions upon them! I hope they enjoyed the ride and thanks for their company.
