Wednesday 20th July 2022

On Monday the forecast had been rain, but this Wednesday morning provided mostly sunshine and a refreshingly cool breeze after the record high temperatures of the previous day.

Short Ride

Report by John

The short ride proved to be very popular this week with John, Isobel, Myles, Rosalind, Andrew, Paul, Margaret, Mike, Mick & Derek opting for this.

Margaret leads Andrew, Myles, Mick and Paul past Beaumanor.

The group set out past Mucklin Wood and then via Swithland, Rothley (where Mike managed to swallow a fly), Wanlip to arrive at the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall. Here they were greeted by Ray Clay and a lady from the Hall who was most apologetic about the fact that they had had to close as some of the volunteers had gone down with Covid.

Forunately this did not pose a major problem as the planned route took the riders past Goscote Garden Centre. So returning to the road the group headed north through Watemead Park and then alongside the canal where Andrew suffered the misfortune of a rapidly deflating front tyre. Fortunately he managed to make it to the Garden Centre at Cossington where the situation was rectified with the help of Paul. Here the riders were once again met by Ray Clay who joined them for refreshments in the garden.

Ray, Isobel, Myles, Rosalind, Andrew, Paul, Margaret, Mike, Mick & Derek at Goscote Nurseries.

The return was via Sileby where the riders were passed by a lady on an electric bike who admonished them for riding two abreast, stating that she was both a cyclist and a car driver. Evidently she has not kept up to date with changes to the Highway Code which now make the rule much clearer.

Part of rule 66 states

  • be considerate of the needs of other road users when riding in groups. You can ride two abreast and it can be safer to do so, particularly in larger groups or when accompanying children or less experienced riders. Be aware of drivers behind you and allow them to overtake (for example, by moving into single file or stopping) when you feel it is safe to let them do so

The group continued on over the Soar to Mountsorrel and then through Quorn arriving back in Loughborough c. 12.30pm.

Medium Ride

Report by Howard

On Leaving Holt Square this morning I was joined by 8 other riders, (Betty, Pat, Phil, another Phil, Rob, Robert, Keith and Bryan). wishing to follow my intended route to Barton-in-Fabis. I wanted to be back in time for the live coverage of the T.D.F. later in the day so with little time to hang around we set off. Taking the usual route across town and out on Meadow Lane we soon found ourselves heading up Fox Hill and out through Normanton on Soar. Just before Sutton Bonington we took a sharp right under the railway bridge and up Hungary Lane and heading towards West Leake but not into, taking a left along Dark Lane followed by West Leake Lane, under Remembrance Way and right along Barton Lane. 

At the top of the little rise here I reminded our group that the Dovecote Barn was not always open when we wish it to be, and there was however the alternative of stopping at the Sun Inn in the Square at Gotham, (Everards). This received a mixed reception and a few enthusiasts. Down the hill and further along brought us into the quiet little village of Barton-in-Fabis and quickly to our destination the Dovecote Barn. Fortunately  for me they were open and we were quickly served with refreshments of coffee/Tea and cake. 

Pat had chosen a very sticky choice which appeared to be granola and honey in the shape of a flat slab. She was not alone I think I noticed at least one other of a similar variety if not more. Bryan decided to carry on into Nottingham from here and return via Attenborough nature reserve, a route we have done before but would turn a medium ride into a long ride. 

Phil, Betty, Phil, Keith, Pat, Bryan, Rob & Robert at Dovecote Barn

Taking the requisite photo and not wanting to tarry too long, (T.D.F. waiting). We returned, going up the hill, and again going under Remembrance Way, (not at the same place though) and into Gotham where we turned off right (Pat carried on here for her return journey to Wymeswold), we went along Kegworth Road and Gotham Road to Kingston-on-Soar. Here it was a left and on to Sutton Bonington Campus, (University of Nottingham). In Sutton Bonington I tried to persuade the group to use Pasture Lane to get across the fields and over the canal a shortcut to Zouch, however I lost out owing to inappropriate skinny tyres and all but one or two being on road bikes rather than gravel or similar. 

A little further on Philip had found Patrick who had decided not to ride today and was perhaps a little surprised as we all stopped to say hello.  Betty having almost arrived back at her starting point, stayed and was last heard of going to do a couple of local loops to get her mileage up to 30.  

The group now down to 6 continued along Park Lane in Sutton Bonington to Rempstone Road where we turned right to Zouch and towards the A6. Just before the A6 we took to the paths and lanes through the back of Hathern, losing Robert here as he headed for home. We came out lower down and took the cycle path alongside the A6 back into Loughborough, losing Phil, Keith, three of us were left to finish the remaining couple of miles into Loughborough. We arrived back in town about 12:40 I had covered about 27 miles and was now ready to settle back and watch today's coverage of the Tour.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

This has to go down as an episode from the X Files for those that remember it!

The day started as just a normal Wednesday meet at Holt Dr. The numbers were a little below normal but Covid and holidays probably explain this.

As usual JC arrived and announced the 3 ride options, I was offering a 40 miler to Hill Top Near Asfordby.

2 riders chose this option so Rob, Dave and myself set off.

We went via the A6 cycle path but turned off to Barrow where we headed up Paudy Lane tuning off to Seagrave and onto Berrycott Ln. We then rejoined Paudy Ln for the last half mile and then again right for a short section of Burton Rd before turning to Ragdale.

We eventually reached Hoby where we headed towards Asfordby, here we found the Saxelby Rd had a road closed sign at the bottom.

As is the normal procedure with such things we ignored the sign. So we started towards the bottom of The climb where we could indeed see some men and workings in the road, however there was a largish gap and we were able to pass easily.

Up until now the day seemed perfectly normal but was about to take a dramatic turn.

As Rob and I got to the T junction a group of cyclists approached from the Grimston direction and shouted to ask if they could get through. We shouted back assuring them they could and then pulled up in the lay-by 80yds up the road. I looked back and could see the cyclists stopped at the end of the road and thought Dave was talking to them, when I looked again the road was empty!!!!

Rob and I then waited a little longer but as Dave never appeared we went back to the junction, no one to be seen. We then went back down the hill a little way and looked back still no one. I said I thought Dave had been talking to the cyclists and may have headed towards Grimston we went down to the turn under the bridge at Saxelby no one In sight We then went back up the hill and all the way back down to the Asfordby bypass still no one. As in all the best films the weather then became darker and more threatening so we decided the best course of action was to message Dave and then continue onto our original destination hoping to find Dave there.

On arrival No Dave!!!!

Wanted Man

We ordered, sat down and discussed the strange happenings.

We were about to leave when Ann and Terry arrived so we regaled them with the mystery of Disappearing Dave. Eventually we set off homewards, we arrived back safely, but had Dave been abducted by aliens which normally seems to occur only in the mid west of 🇺🇸?

We will only know the truth if he turns up next week!!

