Wednesday 8th June 2022

The forecast of showers and some big black clouds mixed with sunshine resulted in a lower turnout this week.

Short Ride

Report by John

Last week the short ride was the most popular, but this week it was John C., Rosalind and John N. who remained after the other two rides had left.

As the wind was in the south west and they hadn't headed there since the pandemic, it was decided to take on the challenge of heading for the highest tea rooms in Charnwood, the Ulverscroft Grange Tea Rooms.

The riders set out past Mucklin Wood to Beaumanor and then on up to Woodhouse Eaves where they turned left and climbed up to Maplewell and then up to Ulverscroft and the tea rooms with spectacular views over the Forest.

Rosalind climbing up to Ulverscroft.

After partaking of the excellent scones and tea cakes on offer, the riders returned via Polly Botts Lane, Newtown Linford, Bradgate Park, Swithland and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough just before 12.30pm.

John & Rosalind at Ulverscroft Grange Tea Rooms

Medium Ride

Report by Andrew

At the starting point Howard advised he was off for a 34 miler, so I joined up with seven others for my Ticket To Ride.  It was at this stage I foolishly volunteered to write up this report, I'm no Paperback Writer, so hope these words are okay!!  Also on the ride was Dom, Phil, Bryan, Andy, Trish and Rob..  We headed out of Loughborough via a circuitous route on  our "Magical Mystery" tour to Rearsby for coffees and cake.  We then went through Prestwold and Wymeswold on the way to Rearsby .. I can't recall the rest of the route as every sinew, fibre and muscle in my being was being strained beyond what I thought was possible in trying to keep up with the rest of the group.  Although I think we might have passed through Hoby and Ragdale.  Last Saturday I was at the Uni watching elite, finely honed, superfit athletes racing on bikes around the campus and today out with this group felt very much the same!!!! 

"Elite, finely honed, superfit athletes racing on bikes around the campus. Not us; we're pictured below just in case you got us mixed up"

I do recall some of the roads not being in great condition, I wonder if there's any jobs at The County Council for Highways Inspectors!?!?  (My day job at The City Council!!).  We would eventually Come Together at Rearsby for some much needed refreshments and chats, always my favourite part!!!

Andy, Rob, Dom, Phil, Tricia, Andrew, Howard & Bryan at Rearsby.

We then headed back on the Long and Winding road to Loughborough, through Cossington, Sileby, Mountsorrel and Quorn.  The weather picked up and someone said Here Comes the Sun, but it stayed overcast but warm and mercifully dry.  At Mountsorrel we stopped for chocolate brownies someone had brought along providing the sugar boost that would give us a little Help! over the final few miles and help us all Get Back home after a great trip.  Many thanks to Howard for leading, he knows all the short cuts and is the only cyclist I know who goes faster free wheeling than me when I'm peddling flat out and as fast as I can!!!

A splendid ride ….and much better than working!!!
((Fans of 1960s popular music will know the debt I owe to John (posthumously) and Paul (happy 80th on the 18th) for their input into my report!!)).

Intermediate Ride

Report by David

It was an unexpectedly warm day, with the threat of rain in the forecast. David led Margaret, Mick Paul and Jeff on a ride via Kegworth.

The 5 riders took a route out to Meadow Lane via Emmanuel Way, William Street and Bridge Street. After coming through Stanford on Soar, we turned up Leake Lane, then crossed the A6006 to enter East Leake via Castle Hill. We left East Leake on the Gotham Road and carried on past fields of sheep to the centre of Gotham. The Gotham Road sign is about a mile from the village centre, so quite a lot of sheep can claim to live in Gotham, probably more than there are goats in Sheepy.

There was a short break on the corner of Kegworth Road, before we resumed, and now it seemed for the first time that we encountered the westerly wind. Between 2 bends in the road, there was a small car buried in a ditch to our left. Thankfully it had police tape over it. We continued past Kingston Park and through Kingston on Soar. After passing under the railway bridge, we turned left onto Kingston Lane, which sweeps round to cross the River Soar, into Kegworth. We turned left onto Nottingham Road, up the hill and turned right onto the A6 in the centre of Kegworth to stop at Oaklands.

Margaret, David, Paul, Mick & Jeff at Oaklands

It was a fine day for sitting outside for our refreshment break, although there were some dark clouds being blown over. We resumed along High Street, then left on Broadhill Road, passing a jolly chap driving a mobility scooter erratically. Then we climbed the steep hill on Whatton Road. Paul and I were first to the top, and it was we who had had bacon rolls at Oaklands. So, in a survey of 2 out of 5, bacon rolls help you climb hills.

After crossing the by-pass, we continued along Whatton Road, enjoying its downhill bits, to Long Whatton. Here we went right then left up Smithy Lane. After crossing the M1 we reached the Ashby Road. Turning right, we were once again into the wind, but going downhill. We took the left turn into Hallamford Road, with immediate shelter from the wind. At the end of Hallamford Road is a short steep hill on the edge of Shepshed. It pays to get a good run at this one. We went right onto Tickow Lane, then left on Anson Road, carrying through to the Leicester Road. The remainder of our ride was along the A6 into Loughborough, with people peeling off at various points near the university.

The ride was 24 miles, averaging 11.4 mph, and we climbed 1138 feet. There was no rain during the ride. I expect we were all home by 12:30.
