
Showing posts from June, 2022

Wednesday 29th June 2022

Short Ride - Watermead Park Report by David It was a fine, fairly still day, but with patchy rain showers forecast. David set off with 7 riders, Andrew, Paul, Mick, Myles, Margaret, Betty and Howard. Howard asked if the route would be free of gravel, and we were aware of a few roads being gritted recently. There was a slight chill in the air as a dark cloud moved overhead. We exited Outwoods Drive into Beacon Road, then took Cross Hill Lane, Park Road, Broadway, Manor Road into Manor Drive. The path through from Shelthorpe to new houses off Allendale Road was behind a parked van, so we nearly had a Keystone Cops moment as the leader spotted it late. Arriving from John Boden Way, we crossed Allendale Road to get to the A6004, then made our way to Quorn. Tricia joined us at Quorn, so there were now 9 of us. We proceeded to Mountsorrel at an easy pace. Anticipating an early arrival at our refreshment stop, it was not disappointing to encounter a procession of quarry lorri

Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Blazing June lived up to its name this morning. Short Ride Report by John The short ride once again proved popular this week with Robert, Clyde, Tricia, Mick, Margaret, John and Andrew taking this option. It was decided to head for Millie's near Barrow on Soar via a circuitous route. The riders headed out through Loughborough taking Meadow Lane before taking a right turn in Stanford for Cotes.  Robert, Clyde, Tricia, Mick, Margaret and Andrew at Cotes. Here they continued south on Cotes Road before taking a left into Bandalls Lane followed by Walton Lane and Barrow Road leading them up to Burton. From Burton the group carried on north along Burton Lane to Wymeswold from where they headed east along Narrow Lane to Six Hills. Margaret leads Robert up Narrow Lane  It was then an easy ride along the Salt Way to Millie's where refreshments were enjoyed outside but under the shade of an awning. After a relaxing sojourn at Millie's the riders returned via Barrow and Quor

Wednesday 15th June 2022

Long(ish) Ride Report by Alan The sun was already burning the back of my neck waiting at Holt Drive for (Dear Leader) John to arrive. Wisely, in view of the temperatures, I had decided to cut down on the marathon odysseys of previous ventures, and opt for a modest 36 miler. The turnaround point was Collyer’s Nursery in Borrowash, which drew a few blank faces. Despite this, six hardy souls chose to join me, Trish, Mick, Brian, Dave, Betty and Margaret. It was nice to have a bit more of a balance; male/female for once. The group also threw up polar opposites in Dave, who never says a word, and Mick, who never shuts up. Off we set, the slight wind behind us, negotiating the incredibly industrious workers in Bedford Square who have only been on that modest paving project for 5 years now. Our outward route took us onto Meadow Lane, through Stanford on Soar, Normanton on Soar, Sutton Bonnington, and Kegworth. It was at the latter that I decided to ignore the whimpering of Margaret that L

Wednesday 8th June 2022

The forecast of showers and some big black clouds mixed with sunshine resulted in a lower turnout this week. Short Ride Report by John Last week the short ride was the most popular, but this week it was John C., Rosalind and John N. who remained after the other two rides had left. As the wind was in the south west and they hadn't headed there since the pandemic, it was decided to take on the challenge of heading for the highest tea rooms in Charnwood, the Ulverscroft Grange Tea Rooms. The riders set out past Mucklin Wood to Beaumanor and then on up to Woodhouse Eaves where they turned left and climbed up to Maplewell and then up to Ulverscroft and the tea rooms with spectacular views over the Forest. Rosalind climbing up to Ulverscroft. After partaking of the excellent scones and tea cakes on offer, the riders returned via Polly Botts Lane, Newtown Linford, Bradgate Park, Swithland and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough just before 12.30pm. John & Rosalind at Ulversc

Wednesday 1st June 2022

A sunny morning with a light wind but building cloud saw another excellent turnout at Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John The short ride proved to be very popular this week with Eric, Derek, Clyde, Rosalind, Rob P, Myles, John N, Dom, John C and Mick opting for this. We were all particularly delighted to have Rob joining us again after his medical travails. As the other 3 rides had opted for notherly routes it was decided to head south with the Garden Centre at Cossington as the preferred coffee stop but with Dobbies at Rothley in reserve if the threatened rain materialised. Setting off through town the riders departed Loughborough down Meadow Lane before turning right for Cotes and Walton on the Wolds. From there it was a climb up to the Salt Way. Here a decision has to be made as to whether to take the flatter route to the left towards Six Hills or carry straight on and over the hills to the Wreake Valley. The consensus was for the former so the group took the circuitious