Wednesday 4th May 2022

Short Ride

Report by John

The forecast had been for rain and then showers and this probably resulted in a lower number turning out than has usually been seen over the last month or two.

The rain had ceased by the time the group started gathering and it was decided that two rides would suffice. The short ride proved unusually popular, perhaps because of the uncertain weather forecast, with Margaret, Myles, Andrew, Howard, Rosalind, Phil, Betty, Leigh, John & David setting off.

It was decided  to head to Bawdon Lodge Farm for refreshments and as it had been wet the ride took the tarmac route through the university and alongside the main road to Shepshed. Here Leigh left the group as he wanted to visit Shepshed.

The riders then followed Tickow Lane and Charley Road to the Farm, which now boasts a business selling electric and standard bicycles, where Ray Clay also joined them.

After their repast the riders continued east along Charley Road returning down Beacon Road through Woodhouse and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough just before noon.
