Wednesday 25th May 2022

An overcast, cool and blustery late May day saw a very good turnout of riders, necessitating the formation of four groups.

Short Ride

Report by John

Once the other rides had departed just John C, Rosalind, Keith, Derek and John N remained. As the wind was in the south and there was a threat of rain, the shelter within the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall seemed attractive.

The riders headed out through Shelthorpe and on to Quorn before climbing up past the Quarry and on to Rothley Court. From Rothley the group followed the A6 south and then took the bridge over that road taking them along a cycle track to Wanlip before the final leg south to Birstall.

John leads Keith and Rosalind south into Birstall

The Hall was quite full but there was a spare table available for the riders and they then proceeded to devour most of the remaining stock of cheese scones and lemon drizzle cake.

John, Keith, Rosalind and Derek at Birstall Methodist Church Hall

After their excellent repast the riders wended their way through Watermead Park and then alongside the Grand Union Canal to Cossington, continuing on home via Sileby, Mountsorrel and Quorn (where both John N and Rosalind left). The remaining riders arrived back in Loughborough just after noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

As Vic said a magnificent turnout at Holt Drive warranted several rides. I, Terry, brought a ride of 25 miles to Millies on Paudy Lane. Nine others, Clyde, Dom, Myles, Robert, Andrew, Paul, Mick, Anne and a new rider Stephen, were foolish enough to want to come with me, one could be forgiven as I am married to her but about the others who knows?

After much chatter we eventually left Holt Drive to Outwoods Drive and up Beacon Road, as it was a larger group than I normally have, Anne opted to be back marker. We left Loughborough via the Aldi roundabout and on to Quorn. We turned right at the Farley Way crossroads to Woodhouse, Swithland and Rothley, we got a little separated towards Rothley but as the traffic lights on the old A6 were on stop we readily reformed. Straight over the lights to Cossington and the first wrong turn of the ride. I was talking to Stephen as we passed Humble Lane, realising slightly too late we stopped at the war memorial, Anne caught up and asked if I had changed the route? Having turned around we turned left into Bennetts Lane and then to Humble Lane as originally proposed. Humble Lane was a diversion from my original route as Anne had never ridden up it!

At the top we turned left down the hill into Sileby, as we entered Sileby we turned right down Swan Street because half the group were “missing” at this point we waited for several minutes for them to catch up. We left Sileby up the Seagrave Road hill and to Paudy Lane via Big Lane before arriving at Millies.

The larger than normal group occupied two tables, where is Phillip when you need him! Excellent refreshments were provided and much chatter was had. Stephen left slightly earlier than the rest of us as he was fairly near his home in Wymeswold and had an appointment a little later, surprisingly, to me at least, living so close he did not know about Millies!

Mick, Paul, Myles, Andrew, Robert, Dom, Terry & Clyde at Millie's.

We left Millies towards Barrow and turned right at the first traffic island to just skirt it and off up the Nottingham Road, as we got to the dip we turned left towards Cotes, we crossed the A60 to Stanford, rather than entering Loughborough along the A60 passed Brush.

At Stanford Andrew magically produced more cakes and Robert went straight on to Hathern whilst the rest of went across the Meadows. There were temporary traffic lights on Meadow Lane, not synced to any other lights and it was chaos, therefore we turned left towards the railway station and up Nottingham Road. We generally split up between Nottingham Road, Royland Road and Beacon Road to various abodes.

A total distance of 26 miles.

Longish Ride

Report by Vic

A large group of enthusiastic cyclists had gathered at Holt Drive expectantly awaiting JC’s arrival and this weeks menu of rides.

Rob Seager had declared his hand early offering a ride to Packington but until the Oracle arrived there were no other destinations on offer.

The crowd parted and there stood JC. He immediately assessed the situation and realised more rides were needed. Terry offered a short ride to Millie’s, JC offered a ride to Birstall and I volunteered a ride to an unknown cafe in Markfield. The usual repositioning of bikes and riders took place as they made their way to their chosen leader. I ended up with 6, less than willing volunteers as Markfield to many equals hills. It was therefore comforting to them when I assured them there would be few hills!

We set off via Quorn, Mountsorrel going via the castle then onto Swithland Lane followed by more expensive real estate along the Ridings we headed through Bradgate and eventually the false flat of Markfield Lane. We located Brewsters in the centre of the village and word had obviously got out about our arrival as we were almost surrounded by several police cars and the police helicopter.

Once the excitement had settled down we locked our bikes and went it to view the extensive breakfast menu. Brewsters is an old fashioned cafe few cakes and fripperies but mugs of hot tea and coffee. I had an excellently priced and tasty crusty bacon cob, Leigh had a loaf and cheese! Others made their own choices of beverage and food.

Alan, Howard, Mike, Leigh & Tricia at Brewsters in Markfield

When we left I again reassured the group there were few hills on the way back except down hill! Leigh obviously buoyed by his refreshment was champing at the bit. So we head back via Hill Road (a misnamed road) and down to Copt Oak then to Stonewell up the slight incline to Old John then turned towards Woodhouse down Mapelwell Road where at the bottom I turned right to head home and the rest left to head home via Quorn.

I had done 36 miles I must apologise to any who felt short changed as I guess by the time they got back they would not have covered less than the 30 miles promised. Thanks to all for their companionship.
