Wednesday 18th May 2022

A beautiful late spring morning awaited the Wednesday riders this week.

Short Ride Report

Report by John

As it wasn't the school holidays, and we hadn't been there for several weeks, it was agreed that John, Jeff (a new rider), Derek, Eric, Howard and John Catt  would head for the Jade Cafe in Newtown Linford.

Jeff (a new rider) and John in Bradgate Park

The group headed south past Mucklin Wood to Beaumanor Hall and then on down Brand Lane where they were surprised to encounter what appeared to be a cattle stampede coming towards them. After hastily taking refuge on the verge the group was able to observe the local farmer driving his herd rapidly between grazing pastures.

The Stampede
The riders then continued through Swithland and on along the Ridings to the Ridgeway crossing Cropston Reservoir Dam to the north entrance of Bradgate Park. A smooth transition through the Park allowed the riders to enjoy the excellent fare at the Jade Cafe outside in the sunshine.
Passing the herd of deer.

The riders returned through the Park, encountering a herd of deer that were grazing very close to the track, before taking the direct route back to Loughborough via Swithland, Woodhose and Quorn. Riders left the group at various points, leaving just John and Jeff to arrive back in Loughborough just after noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

Seven of us, Margaret, Bryan, Robert, Andrew, 2 Micks and myself Terry left Holt Drive to a rather disappointing café, more later.

We set for Stanford via the Greenbelt and town centre unfortunately as we went down Woodgate one of the Micks complained his back tyre felt soft on investigation it was going down. So no sooner had we started we lost a rider, he said he would nip home and get another bike and meet us at the coffee stop.

The remaining six headed out of town along Meadow Lane to Stanford and up Fox Hill to Normanton. The Rempstone Turnpike was not busy so an easy right left at the end of Normanton took us into Sutton Bonnington. Bryan said he wanted to do a sector time up Malpit Hill. I told him we were turning right at the top just in case he carried on to Kingston! We regrouped at the start of Landcroft Lane, up to this point the pace had been quite brisk and I ensured everyone was happy.

At the end of Landcroft Lane it was a right left again in West Leake however we nearly missed the left turn into Dark Lane as I was talking to Margaret, we were half way passed when she said “don’t we want to turn here”. At the next crossroads we turned right towards Gotham, on Clifton Pasture we turned left down the little used, particularly since the new A453 has been built, Barton Lane and under the A453. Down the Hill into Barton in Fabis and the Dovecote café.

Going inside to order I was disappointed to see only 3 cakes on offer and NO scones, Bryan ordered a bacon cob/bun/barm/roll depending on which part of the country you are from, which arrived first. Several minutes later 3 drinks arrived and another several minutes later FOUR more drinks arrived, you do the arithmetic. Another several minutes later the cakes started to arrive. A bit later still Mick arrived on a new bike I would like to say better but we’ll learn more about that, and ordered his drink which arrived reasonably quickly. This used to be a great café with a good range of cakes and scones, Bryan said it changed hands about 18 months ago the previous operators told to leave by the farmer, it looks as though the change was not for the better! That said, the orange cake was very nice!

Bryan, Margaret, Mike, Mick, Andrew and Robert at the Dovecote café.

While we were devouring our goodies a ‘PING’ was heard, all of us looked around and could see nothing so we ignored it and carried on chatting and eating. When it was time to leave Robert started to wheel his bike out of the garden a “tinkling” was heard from a wheel the culprit was a broken spoke we now knew what the ‘PING’ was! As we started to leave Mick asked us to wait, the next thing I saw he had a Bowden cable in his hand and the cassette was stuck in top gear!

Bryan left us at Barton to go a different way back via one side of the River Trent to Wilford and back down the other via Sawley (I think).

We left Barton along the old A648 at the steep bit just passed Thrumpton Mick got a speed up to get as far up the hill as possible before getting off. Going along the cycle track I was again talking to Margaret and I nearly collided with a couple of riders going the other way and got a mouthful of expletives.

We returned to Kegworth via the quarry workings and the new cycleways under the A453 we proceeded through Kegworth to Hathern where Robert left us, the on to Dishley where Mick left us and upto Epinal way where we generally split up.

A total distance of 31 miles and a lovely morning out.

Long ride Report.

By Rob

A group of nine set out through Quorn, Mountsorrel and Sileby across to East Goscote and Queniborough and up Ridgemere Lane to South Croxton and then dropped down to the Welcome Cafe, aka Moo's, for a welcome feed. The return trip drooped down to Twyford, and across to Frisby on the Wreake via Ashby Folville. Cutting back along the south side of the Wreake valley through Rotherby and Brooksby led us to Thrussington. From there we crossed the A46 and came back to Loughborough through Seagrave, Walton on the Wolds, Cotes and back across the Meadows to come in from the North.

Total loop was 40 miles.
