Wednesday 6th April 2022

Short ride via Zouch and Beacon Hill on 6th April 2022

Report by David

There were few people at Holt Dive prepared to chance the April showers and gusty wind. David led a ride of 22 miles, accompanied by Vic, Trisha, Andrew, Lee and Betty.

The centre of Loughborough was unusually quiet as we sailed through green traffic lights for most of the way to Meadow Lane. Then we started to get held up, and Betty’s brakes were binding. After a brief stop near the railway bridge just before Stanford on Soar, we managed to free Betty’s brakes and continue through the village to Fox Hill. As we turned the corner at the bottom the hill, we came to face the wind head on; so were relieved when we got to the shelter of Normanton on Soar village. When we reached the junction with the A6006, Betty was able to pop home briefly to fetch her helmet. This gave us chance for a brief chat.

 Then David led down the A6006 path to Zouch, and we went onto the road when the path ran out. Some of us re-joined the path on a bridge over the River Soar, but then had to wait as dogs from a nearby kennels were on their morning walk. Others stayed on the newly tarmacked road. We negotiated the double junction to cross the A6 and carry on to Long Whatton, taking a right turn off the B5324. 

 In Long Whatton we turned left up Smithy Lane. Again, we were in the teeth of the wind, and a slope that would normally be kind became a struggle. We stopped for breath on the bridge over the M1. We re-joined the B5324 at the end of Smithy Lane, and the downhill stretch helped us reach the most westerly point of the ride. After some relatively easy cycling along Hallamford Road, heavy clouds emerged moving rapidly to intercept our planned route. We stopped to review whether we could make it to Bawdon Lodge, the desired coffee venue, before the rains set in. We continued to consider it again once we were in Shepshed. After negotiating the incredibly steep crossing of Tickow Lane, and coasting down Belton Street, we surveyed the Shepshed coffee houses (hmm). As drops of rain began to become more prolific, we had alighted upon Leo’s.

This was a welcome shelter from the rain and provided friendly service of hot drinks, but not so hot scones. It was a time to chat and reflect on how lucky we had been.

After our break we continued up Charnwood Road, we began to feel the elements take their revenge. Following a turn into Oxford Street, and emerging from Cambridge Street onto Leicester Road, we headed for the A512. Another double junction caused us to lose Andrew temporarily, but gave others some respite from the rain under the M1 bridge on Ingelberry Road. We crossed the Nanpantan Road and stopped by Shepshed Road for a short break as the rain eased. We had started to take off when Andrew reminded us to get a photo. After this we descended into the valley and forged on up the B5330 to the Beacon Road crossroads.

Here we said goodbye to Vic, and headed over the hill past the Beacon Hill Car Park. We now had the wind behind us, and a long steep downhill road. David led with some speed until the Manor House at Quorn, where four of us gathered for some time. At this point, we no longer had Lee, and the rain became torrential. If you are reading this, Lee, we are sorry we missed you. At the crossroads with the old A6, we said goodbye to Trisha. The cycle track opposite the construction site was closed, so we had a wiggly footpath to follow before reaching the One Ash roundabout. From here we headed back to Holt Drive.

The ride was 22.6 miles. There were some hills and the altitude gain was 1329 ft. Our average speed was 11.1 mph. From the start of the second half of the ride, getting wet was inescapable, due to the rapid arrival of the showers. The addition of most of the hills made this the toughest half of the ride. I trust we were all home by 1 o’clock and able to dry out.

Short Ride

Report by John

Having made the wrong call the previous week when the forecast rain failed to fall, this week riders were greeted with a heavy shower just before they gathered for the rides, presumably accounting for a lower than usual turnout. Indeed what had been forecast to be a dry morning turned out to be quite showery.

After David had set off with a larger group, initially heading north, John, Brian, Pat and Howard headed south down the route of the old A6 to BIrstall where they crossed the bridge and descended to Wanlip. It was then an easy ride to the church hall in Birstall where coffee and cake were available for £2.

A heavy shower came down as the riders departed so John caped up and the group encountered several showers as they wended their way north with Pat leaving them in Sileby. The remaining riders arriving back in Loughborough just after noon.
