Wednesday 27th April 2022

Short Ride

Report by John

On a rather dull and chilly morning just John, Eric, Rosalind, Mick and John remained at Holt Drive after the two larger groups had left on longer ridws. It was decided to head north aiming for the Community Shop at Normanton on Soar

After John had phoned Ray to let him know where we were going, the group headed off trhrough the Universitym over Garendon Park and arriving in Long Whatton, agreed to take the longer route up Kegworth Lane

From Kegworth they headed for Kingston on Soar and then decided to take head further north and take a route south via West Leake. However this was not to be as Rosalind suddenly found that her ride was no longer smooth. The outer skin on her tyre was ballooning and it was decided that this dictated the direct route south to Normanton and home.

Refreshments were taken outside the shop at Normanton, where they were joined by Ray. The riders were made very welcome as we hadn't visited since December. 

The final leg was over Fox Hill and apart from one stop to pump up her rear tyre, Rosalind made it home without further incident.

The offending tyre

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

A magnificent seven, Anne, Keith, Robert, David, Philip, Patrick the Younger and myself Terry, left a moderately crowded Holt Drive heading for Staunton Harold.

Crossing the Greenbelt we were quickly down to six, Philip had headed back to Holt Drive to chivalrously ensure Rosalind was ok. However by the time we reached Ashby Road we were back to Seven.

The route to Staunton Harold was a fairly direct route through Garendon Park, skimming Belton and Osgathorpe and down the hill into Worthington. We picked up the old A453 and turned right along the Staunton Harold Estate road to the Ferrers Centre.

I have only been here once since it changed hands and was not very impressed that time and I was a little nervous that I might have an insurrection on my hands. This fear amounted to nothing as the quality and quantity had improved no end. Philip had a cake that was big enough for all of us, but claimed there were not enough forks and Keith had TWO toasted doorsteps.

On leaving the Ferrers Centre the choice straight up the steep hill to the main road or delay the steep ride and go via Calke, as most riders stomachs were firmly on the ground I decided to delay the hill and burn a bit off first. Whizzing down hill through Scotland, boy that was a long ride! and on to Breedon and Tonge. At the A453 A42 roundabout Philip left the group and headed for Shepshed and a young lady.

The merry band went through Diseworth and Long Whatton and started to split up in Hathern. Patrick going home to Sutton Bonnington and Robert staying in Hathern. Keith left at Dishley, the new building site here is moving at a pace! The final split was at Outwoods Drive David turning right and Anne and myself straight on.

The round trip was 31 miles.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

After the usual preliminaries of greetings and the weeks ride offerings an intrepid band of 10 set out to Valeview cafe at Old Dalby.

It was a cold day with several riders having reverted to winter attire.

The route took in the closed section of Farley Way in Quorn then the Slabs and once in Barrow a few tracks to get us onto the Sileby Road, we turned left at the Church in Sileby, up Seagrave Road to Seagrave from here we climbed the steep hill to cross the A46 and down to Thrussington. From which we passed through Hoby and onto Asfordby where we climbed the hill towards Grimston, here I was toying with the idea of going via Saxelby down Greenhill through Queensway and up Longcliffe to our destination. Sensing the mood of the group I thought a more direct route through Grimston was needed. So after the climb out of Grimston we turned left and then right towards Old Dalby here we paused to wait for Trisha who was at the back, Graham kindly offered to wait so the rest of us proceeded at a pace towards the promised coffee and cake.

Whilst sitting munching my sausage roll I realised that Trish and Graham were not with us, at this point my phone rang but no one was there! Thinking it must be the 2 lost souls I went out into the yard and onto the road to see if I could spot them alas nothing. I returned inside to find Pat had received a call from Trish and had given the appropriate directions.

This was poor leadership on my behalf as I had assumed wrongly, that Trish knew the location of the cafe!

After we had all had our fill of refreshments we left but Graham and Howard departed to the Race Hub to check out the Bike sale! We lost Pat at Willoughby to visit relations and Trish and I were left by the remainder in Wymeswold as we headed back via Burton and Barrow whilst they headed back to Loughborough via Hoton.

Thanks to all who chose the ride and apologies to Trish and Graham for deserting them.
