Wednesday 30th March 2022

Short Ride Report, by Brian.

A shortened short ride.

A ride was proposed to East Leake with the proviso that we could hurtle back to Loughborough should the expected rain come early. Once the roles had been sorted out, Tricia (leader), Marcus (deputy), Mick (raconteur) and me, Brian (scribe), we set off down Epinal Way to Hathern. Marcus expertly lead us through the back streets of Hathern, affectionately known as Howard's Way' and on to Zouch,  Sutton Bonington, West Leake and coffee stop at East Leake . 

Coffee, cakes and a bacon bagel were excellent at the cafe opposite Chef's cafe on Gotham Road (nobody could remember it's name("Bryer's", Brian)). Spots of rain were spotted so a change of route took us back to Loughborough via Stanford. Arrived home at 11.45 after 19 miles and no rain. Result!
