Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Longish Ride

Report by Alan

Not that anyone cares that much, but I did have to drag myself out of bed this morning, suffering from the lurgy (not Covid) to make it to Holt Drive. I mentioned all my symptoms to Marcus on Monday but as he keeps on reminding us, he has retired and is therefore unable to offer any advice on medical matters. A deep sense of loyalty to John Catt and the promise of the warmest day of the year spurned me on. I was rewarded with 8 fine athletes joining me to Hill Top Farm: Rob 1, Rob 2, Mick, Vic, Marcus, David and the two wimmin Trish and Margaret.

On leaving Holt Drive the first mini crisis occurred on the Forest Road where Terry’s group had stopped (presumably for a rest). As a consequence both groups intermingled all the way through town, stopping at N traffic lights where N is a very large number. Safely separated, “Group Alan” proceeded on to Burton on the Wolds via Barrow Road and from there to Wymeswold. The first slope of the day came at Narrow Lane which took us to Six Hills. The boring bit then followed; 2 >> 3 miles on Six Hills Lane, past Nice Pie before turning right on to Ostler Lane. It’s a sad day when even the mighty Vic starts complaining about the steepness of the hills, but he had a point as the slope out of Saxelby proved to be a bit of a beast. Rob (Seager) showed everyone (apart from Vic) how to climb a hill.

Hill Top Farm was reached just after 11.30. They have won some kind of award for their food which was plastered all over the entrance signs but as I only take liquid refreshment at these places, I didn’t bother to look too closely. Sure enough on entering the tea room a fine variety of hot and cold fare was on display. Outside I nabbed some unsuspecting member of the public to take a photo to prove we had been there.

60% of the journey completed the remaining 40% was much easier; predominantly downwards with a slight following wind took us through Asfordby, Hoby, Thrussington and Cossington. At the latter we bade farewell to Vic and headed off to Mountsorrel. On the outskirts of which an Audio driver reminded us all that they indeed do own the whole road, but to her irritation had to do an emergency stop to prevent a head on collision with another member of the public driving an inferior vehicle.

We all made it intact back at Loughborough by 1.15pm. For those slightly obsessed with Strava my personal readings were 68.42 km, 493m climb, average speed 19.1 km/hr. Contact me directly if you want the imperial equivalents.

Medium Ride?

Report by John

Once the other rides had left just John, Eric and Andrew were left at Holt Drive. Various destinations were considered but the consensus was for a ride of about 30 miles as it was such a beautiful morning. As Andrew had never visited the cafe at Hollands Nurseries at Twyford that was the destination chosen but avoiding as many hills as possible as Eric's knee was playing up.

The riders headed south to Barrow on Soar and then on down to Cossington taking Humble Lane up to Ratcliffe and then Broome Lane to East Goscote. A left turn took them into Rearsby from where they turned east for Gaddesby following the valley up to Twyford. A stiff climb brought the riders to what is now the Welcome Cafe at Hollands Nursery following a change of proprietor.

After consuming toasted tea cakes and an enormous portion of Victoria Sponge, the riders took the long descent through the sunny spring countryside to Quorndon, returning to Loughborough via East Goscote, Cossington, Mountsorrel and Quorn.

Long Ride

Report by Dave

Wednesday long ride to Mercia marina, Willington. Only 2 of us decided to go on the ride, so Howard and myself set off through the university onto Epinal way and worked our way through to the A6. On through Hathern turning left and through Long Whatton to Diseworth. Through the village and onto the Ashby road past the airport, we turned right at Isley Walton past Donnington Park, turning left on the road to Wilson and onto Melbourne. Through the centre and out towards Staunton Harold reservoir, climbing to the top of the drive and down past the reservoir we decided to stop for a short refreshment break to take in the scenery. 

Then continuing out and past the entrance to Calke Abbey and onto Ticknall, through the village and turned right onto Repton Road. Half way down this road near Foremark reservoir Howard’s Garmin decided that it had had enough, due to a battery fault. Continuing on to Milton, where we turned left on the edge of the village, down a counry lane to the edge of Repton. On through Repton across the Trent to Willington and Mercia Marina for drinks.

For the return journey we went back into Repton, but turned left at The Boot and made out way round the Back of Repton towards Milton, where we turned left and headed to Ingleby and onto Stanton by Bridge. From here it was onto Kings Newton where we picked up the Cloud trail through to Worthington and the long climb out of the village to the main road, turning left then right onto Breedon lane, through Osgathorpe and Belton and onto the lane back to Shepshed, across the Garendon estate and into Loughborough. 48.5 miles.

Short Ride

Report by Terry

First, a BIG apology to Ian (Iain) whom we lost in Woodgate having been mingled with Alan’s group.

Rosalind, Philip, John, Dom, Robert, Pat, Ian, Iain) and myself Terry left Holt Drive apparently just before Alan and his group. We traversed the Greenbelt and crossed Epinal Way quite successfully but the leaders had to wait on Forest Road because half the group did not cross initially. Having regrouped we set off together, Rosalind offered to be the back marker, my vision in pink! Just after the end of the dual carriageway we started to be overtaken by Alan’s group, both groups went down Woodgate not quite together. During this period some confusion took place and Rosalind found herself 2nd NOT last, we waited on High Street to regroup but found that Ian was missing, we waited for several minutes but he did not turn up so we continued to the end of the Market Place to see if he went straight on in Bedford Square. With no sign of him we decided to carry on, by which time Alan should have been well ahead.

We progressed along Baxter Gate turning into Sparrow Hill and Meadow Lane to Stanford. Up Stanford Hill we found why the road had been closed for so long, a hundred metre stretch just before the Turnpike had been re-laid, why they did not re-lay it to the junction lord knows because the road there is in a dreadful state. Right here and then left into East Leake, is there a new café next to the car park?

On to Gotham turning left towards Kingston. At the traffic island where the bypass joins a couple of lorries were waiting so we pulled in to let them pass, they were bigger us! In Kingston we turned left past the university, and DOWN Marlpit Hill, now there’s a novelty.

We refreshed at café 119, unfortunately now without the model railway, where Rosalind left us for an appointment at 13:00.

Suitably refreshed we left for the shorter leg of the journey back to various abodes. Robert was the first to leave, taking the Turnpike through Zouch to Hathern. The rest of us turned left to Normanton and over Foxhill to Stanford, Pat, Dom and John went straight on here to Cotes and various homes. Philip and I made our way over the Meadows back to town.

A lovely ride in glorious sunshine with great people. Spoilt only by losing Ian at the start.
