Wednesday 16th March 2022

Short Ride

Report by Keith

The threatened rain seemed to have reduced numbers at Holt Drive, so this group set off with just six on a hilly trajectory out to Belton and Thringstone, then across Charnwood. Keith led, with Tricia, Bryan, Brian, Philip and Rob S. Through the University and then following Cycle Route 6 along the Garendon trail to Shepshed. Bryan and Phillip decided to challenge their Strava section times between there and Belton, whilst the rest of us used our breathe for a good chat!

Bryan left us here to visit some friends towards Melbourne, so we headed to Osgathorpe then to the Ashby Road at Thringstone, where we started the long haul up to Mt St Bernard’s Abbey. Here we passed John Catt and Ariadne going the other way! St Joseph’s tea room proved to be shut, one of the folk there explained that they had been hit by Covid and had to close. So it was off to Bawdon Lodge for our refreshments, with still no rain, just a misty dampness. The warm cafĂ© revived us, though Trish thought she had been overcharged. Discussion covered the evil going on in Ukraine, balanced by the beauty of an emerging spring.

Philip needed to be home early so took the direct route down Forest Road, whilst the remaining four went up to the Beacon, down to W Eaves (Brian turning left along Breakback) then Quorn and home.

About 23 miles and 1300 feet    

Slightly longer Short Ride

Report by David

The forecast of rain did not put off many riders, and there were enough for 3 rides setting off from the cloudy gathering point in Holt Drive.  The weather was not cold and there was very little wind.

At first many people preferred David’s ride, but that would have led to an imbalance between rides.  After some remustering, David led off with Myles, Andrew, Pat, Ian and Derek.  There would have been many fewer if the originally planned ride had gone ahead, and those brave souls would have been looking for the fastest way back across the River Trent in the pouring rain…without a paddle.  Instead, today’s route was a figure of eight, remaining within dashing distance of Loughborough.

The six riders set off along Outwoods Drive, crossing to Cross Hill Lane and over Parklands Drive to Park Road, along Broadway to Manor Road, then Manor Drive, through a passage to a children’s playground, then out along John Boden Way to join Allendale Road.  

We continued to Quorn on the A6004, then onto the old A6.  David was forcing the pace, hoping to get round the ride before the rain descended.  Continuing through Quorn, we turned right into Wood Lane.  The road has some appreciable slopes, and we were glad to have a breather at the top of them.  We then coasted down Swithland Lane and right into The Ridings to pass over Swithland Reservoir.  

Swithland itself was quiet, but then I’ve never noticed it be particularly noisy.  The short climb out of Swithland on Brand Lane led to an easy stretch until the hill into Woodhouse.  We waited at the top for traffic lights to change, missing one phase, but were helped during the next phase by a supermarket delivery van emerging from a side turning into the roadworks and leading us through.  From here we coasted down to Quorn where we crossed over the old A6.  

From Farley Way we negotiated a roundabout to Barrow Road and across the new A6.  Once over the River Soar, we ascended to the Dinosaur roundabout and turned right.  Cutting through residential streets in Barrow upon Soar, we descend to Melton Road, then there was one final ascent before our coffee break at Millie’s. 

We sat outside under a gazebo for our cakes and coffees.  Andrew noticed that the toilet block had showers; but it was likely we’d get those today without visiting these facilities.  After enjoying a chat, it was time to get on the road again, as we were yet only half way through the planned ride.  
Pat left us at the top of the hill, and Derek left us at the bottom; so, there were four of us.  We traversed Fishpool Way, then turned up Nottingham Road.  After a couple of ups and downs, we turned left into Walton Lane, then right onto Bandalls Lane, then right onto Cotes Road.  The B676 had fast traffic, but we managed to cross it to get to Back Lane.  The rain still held off, so we continued along Stanford Lane. 
At the end of Stanford Lane, with still no rain, we continued through Stanford on Soar, stopping briefly while Andrew fed us chocolate to keep us going. There was the climb over Fox Hill where there were few raindrops and the clouds ahead looked ominously low.  But we continued through Normanton and followed the path by the A6006 into Zouch.
Once on the A6, Ian left us for the Whatton Road, while the rest of us went through Hathern.  As we entered Loughborough, we passed under the A6 to join a path parallel with Warwick Way, then continued around the Epinal Way.  Myles said goodbye at the university and leaving Andrew and David to wend their way home.

The planned ride was 24.5 miles.  We covered it at an average speed was 11.1 mph and the altitude gain was 1158 feet.  We should all have been home by 12:30 and, discounting the odd few droplets, managed to get home before the rains descended.  
