Wednesday 24th November 2021

Long Ride

report by Vic.

It was cold and overcast on Wednesday morning when about 20 of the usual suspects assembled at the meeting point on Holt Drive.

There were a few of the regular leaders absent, so myself Howard and John C. were tasked with this role. Howard declared first and offered a shortish ride to Syston, I was next offering an alluring choice of a long ride to Hill top Farm or Buttercups, however JC had played his cards close to his chest and pulled a rabbit from under his hat, offering the prospect of a short ride to a new cafe at Bawdon Lodge. I could see that the allure of my offering was fading and so I was left with a motley bunch of 5 misfits. It was with resignation that Dave, Paul, Rob, Mick and myself set off towards Quorn via the cycle path, crossing horns with Howard's large group entering Quorn.

We proceeded at a stately pace via Mountsorrel, Sileby, Cossington, E. Goscote, Queniborough and then onto one of Micks favourite lanes, Ridgemere Lane from there we turned right to Beeby where we started to climb towards Hungarton. At the Baggrave Estate gates we made a right turn and headed towards the infamous Sludge Hill which we were informed by road signage at Cold Overton, was closed. Ignoring this we ploughed on until we reached the foothills where I advised the lowest gear selection possible. We proceeded up the slope at our own pace to regroup at the summit wheezing and flushed from our exertion but triumphant in our success at topping the mighty Sludge Hill. The last mile was quickly dispatched and we arrived ready to consume a beverage and food option of our own choice.

After much storytelling and visits to the facilities it was time to leave so we set off back home negotiating the A47 staggered crossroads then down into Billesdon and a last climb of the day past Billesdon Coplow from whence the majority of the journey was downhill until we hit the canal at Syston. We followed the canal path to Cossington where I left the group to find their own way home.

In total I had covered 43.5 miles. My thanks to those that had chosen this ride.OK if a bit chilly.

Medium to Short Ride

report by Andrew.

Eight of us set out on this chilly morning, led by Howard, his fellow merry men being Andrew, Clyde, Derick, Dom, Mick, Myles and Rob. We headed out past Aldi towards Quorn, when we were overtaken by Vic and his team of riders. Overtaken is perhaps the wrong term, left in the dust would be a better phrase.

We passed through Quorn and turned left in Mountsorrel, for Sileby and Cossington heading For Watermead and theg the tow path towards Syston.

The coffee shop was "The Hideaway" and despite the cold we bravely sat outside for a variety of teas and coffees, cakes and tea cakes. The stop is my favourite bit of the ride and the conversation was as good as always, a lot of sporting activity was discussed as you might expect from such elite athletes, whose physiques put the likes of Ronaldo and Adam Peaty to shame!! (See photos if you don't believe this description of the riders!!!).

Sporting debate and conversation included football, rugby and the 101 mile treck by Kevin Sinfield from Leicester to Leeds.

(The Cafe is on the right, ...)

It is here in a crazy moment of madness I volunteered to write up this report and so thought I should pay more attention to the route while journeying home. We rode back around Rothley and back towards Quorn cycling past Granite Works.

It was along this stretch I realised Howard, without peddling, goes faster than me peddling at full power!! How does this happen?? As we reached the metaphorical "Wall" in Quorn some kind chap in the group offered up chocolates as a sugar boost to help us on our final few miles home to Loughborough.

I made it just over 30K in all (sounds better than giving the distance in miles!!) and was home by 1245.

A great ride and better than I made it just over 30K in all (sounds better than giving the distance in miles!!) and was home by!!!

Short Ride

report by John

Once the other rides had departed John, Lyn, Bryan, Jeanette, Ian, Keith and Pat decided that it had been dry enough to risk crossing Garendon Park on the way to a new tea place at Bawdon Lodge Farm.

The riders wended their way through the University and onto Garedon Park, climbed up to Tickow Lane (skirting Shepshed) and then taking the steady climb up Charley Road to the junction with the Nanpantan cross roads and Bawdon Lodge Farm.

The tea room is located in an old barn and consequently is very spacious. Hot drinks and cakes of various descriptions were on offer but nothing that could be described as a meal.

The ride then headed for the Beacon with riders peeling off to take a direct route home. After the descent from the Beacon, through Woodhouse and onto Quorn, only John, Jeanette and Keith remained when they arrived in Shelthorpe just after noon.
