Wednesday 13th October 2021

Short Ride

Report by John

This week the short ride proved to be less popular. In contrast to the ride a month ago when ten opted for short rides, John was left with just Eric and Dom after the other three rides had departed.

It was decided to head out across Garendon to Belton where the riders were offered a variety of routes to Long Whatton Post Ofiice. The intermediate Mill Lane option was decided upon and the rider headed to coffee via Diseworth. After eliminating the village supply of large sausage rolls (heated to an absurdly high temperature in the microwav) some blue sky appeared and the riders were able to enjoy their refreshments in the sunshine.

The group returned to Loughborough after diverting through Hathern village centre arriving back before noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Keith

After gathering yet more cash for my holiday fund, I (Keith) set off with Vic, Pat, Andrew, Siva, David, Mick and Paul heading for Nice Pie.

We braved the Nottingham Road from Cotes to Hoton, then more pleasantly down Narrow Lane from Wymeswold to Six Hills. Some more main road was necessary to get to Gibson’s Lane then towards the cafĂ©. A loop around Grimston and Saxelby was saved until after refreshments as Pat and Vic wanted both coffee and to be home early! Several sausage rolls were consumed and a pie purchased, and as we sat outside looking at the splendid view the sun came out. Another electric biker arrived for coffee and eyed up Siva and Mick’s electron powered machines, and also kindly took our group photo.

With Pat and Vic leaving us the remaining six did the Saxelby-Grimston loop, then across to Willoughby, Wymeswold, Burton, Bandalls Lane and back into Loughboro. About 35 miles and 1250 feet climbing.

And the Chocolate Factory kids are Charlie Bucket, Mike TeaVea, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Augustus Gloop – I claim the chocolate!

Intermediate Ride

Report by Alan

Before starting off I was anxious, along with many others, to hand my deposit to Keith for the Xmas dinner. Rumour has it that all the stops are going to be pulled out this year and the meal will be followed by a formal dance in the afternoon followed by a disco in the evening. Not bad for 12 quid considering a free bar is going to be thrown in as well! Someone tell me I’m wrong.

The long rides in recent weeks were getting longer and longer, so I decided to tone it down a bit and offer a 34 miler to the Heritage Cafe at the Rushcliffe Country Park just outside Ruddington. Initially Marcus joined Rob (I), Rob (III), Margaret, Bryan and Mick in a huddle on Holt Drive but on hearing that the cafe didn’t serve sticky buns and cream cakes, he beat a hasty retreat.

Undeterred, the 6 of us set off, following the route of Meadow Lane, to Stanford on Soar, up Butt Lane to West Leake and skipping past Barton in Fabis. From there it was a sharp right hand turn through Glebe Farm which has potholes large enough to swallow up any bike. The next 3 miles or so took on an urban feel as we passed through Clifton on the way to Ruddington. The Heritage Cafe is so named because they have lots of old trains and coaches in the yard undergoing restoration. The staff in the cafe seemed a bit shocked to have 6 cyclists descend upon it. I’m pleased to confirm they only sold man food (bacon butties, chips, sausage sandwiches, beans on toast etc.) --- none of this carrot cake, Mississippi mud pie nonsense. Tea was £1.40p the cheapest in the East Midlands.

The second half of the odyssey took in Keyworth, Stanford on the Wolds, (where Mick and Bryan temporarily got lost!), Widmerpool, Wysall, and Wymeswold. As everyone knows this route is completely flat (apart from a few gentle slopes). Bryan shot off at this stage and the remaining 5 of us coasted through Hoton before splitting up near Loughborough train station. I reached home at 1.15pm, a record early time for me.

Long Ride

Report by Brian

Our leader, Howard, had cleverly devised a ride that took us west to Cattows Farm, Heather, into a light wind with a strengthening wind to waft us home. The crew consisted of Marcus, Dave, John, and me, Brian. The details of the route there and back will be brief as the writer wasn't aware he was writing the report  until nearly home and hadn't being paying attention. Hathern, Shepshed, Belton, Thringstone and a steady climb through Swannington and a few unremembered villages took us to Cattows Farm. They were very busy as there is a Halloween  festival going on which includes a Fair and what looked like a circus. After refreshments, we continued through Packington and Farm Town and on to Griffydam where Howard introduced us to School lane which is a shortish 12% climb with the final 10 metres at 18% ! Back at Belton we were enjoying the ride so much we elected to extend it slightly by going through Diseworth,  Long Watton, Hathern and home. I clocked 43 miles with 630 metres of elevation.

Unfortunately the photos taken appear to be blank, I'll see if they can be rescued otherwise we'll have to do without. I think I'll go back to using a camera. These new fangled phones are too complicated for their own good. (Howard).

