
Showing posts from October, 2021

Wednesday 27th October 2021

A rather blustery and overcast autumn Wednesday saw a record turnout of over 30 riders. Short Ride Report by John Once the hordes had left, just Rosalind, Pat, Eric, Lynn, Derek, Siva and John remained for the short ride. Various options including Ulverscroft and Syston were discussed but in the end it was decided to take the gentle route up the Beacon via Shephed and Charley Road. As the rider departed they were suddenly joined by Mike G who had been held up by having to wait after his booster jab. The group headed out through the University to Shepshed, skirting the town to Tickow Lane and then up into the Forest along Charley Road. At the Nanpantan cross roads John spotted that Bowdon Lodge Farm was now offering refreshments. Whilst the other riders pressed on he investigated and discovered that while currently you can get drinks and snacks on a takeway basis, they are converting a barn into a tea shop that should be opening before the end of the year. Having caught

Wednesday 13th October 2021

Short Ride Report by John This week the short ride proved to be less popular. In contrast to the ride a month ago when ten opted for short rides, John was left with just Eric and Dom after the other three rides had departed. It was decided to head out across Garendon to Belton where the riders were offered a variety of routes to Long Whatton Post Ofiice. The intermediate Mill Lane option was decided upon and the rider headed to coffee via Diseworth. After eliminating the village supply of large sausage rolls (heated to an absurdly high temperature in the microwav) some blue sky appeared and the riders were able to enjoy their refreshments in the sunshine. The group returned to Loughborough after diverting through Hathern village centre arriving back before noon. Medium Ride Report by Keith After gathering yet more cash for my holiday fund, I (Keith) set off with Vic, Pat, Andrew, Siva, David, Mick and Paul heading for Nice Pie. We braved the Nottingham Road from Cotes to Hot

Wednesday 6th October 2021

Long Ride - The A team! Report by Rob Nine riders opted for the long ride to Willington. We decided to split the ride into two groups. The cream rose to the top and the A Team was formed with Marcus, Brian and Rob setting out under the superb leadership of Alan. After extricating ourselves from Loughborough, into a serious headwind, via the A6 and Long Whatton we took the cycle path onto East Midlands Airport and cut through there and through Donnington Park to avoid traffic on our way to Melbourne. From Melbourne we crossed the Trent via the causeway from Stanton by Bridge and then took back roads to the Mercian Marina at Willington. We were happy to recommend the cake and bacon buttties when the B Team finally arrived. We returned through Repton and Ticknall with strict instructions from Alan not to stop on the way through Calke Abbey - we didn't have our NT cards with us! We returned to Loughborough from there through Belton and Shepshed. The wind, fortunately decided n

Xmas Lunch

Loughborough Wednesday Cyclists Christmas Lunch This has been provisionally booked for:   12.30 on Wednesday 1 December at Rothley Court Hotel, Westfield Ln, Rothley, LE7 7LG.  A £5 deposit per person is needed to secure the booking. Numbers ASAP please as if we are more than 25 we need to book a separate room from the restaurant.   Please let Keith have your name and the number of additional guests, and let him have your £5pp deposit ASAP – either cash or BACS, email  for bank details or any other questions.  3 course menu tbc ( similar to previous years), cost approx £12.