Wednesday 8th September 2021

Long Ride Report (8th Sept 2021)

Report by Alan

Another excellent turnout at Holt Drive on what was probably going to be the last really hot day of 2021.

Mindful of the fact that the temperatures would probably peek at around 28°C by 11.00am, most riders wisely gave my offer of a 38 miler a miss and opted for shorter rides. However I was joined by Vic, Mick Trish and Rob (Smith I think ... there are so many Robs!!) and we set off in pursuit of Howard’s much larger group. The latter we overtook just before entering the university campus.

The first water stop was going to be at Long Lane at Kegworth. The journey there was uneventful apart from a motorcyclist waving his arms at us at the duel carriageway along the A6. It soon became apparent why; a double size mattress was neatly laid out in the middle of the road together with a sorry looking settee on the grass verge. Mick, Rob and Trish did the responsible thing, parked their bikes and quickly dragged the mattress out of harm’s way.

The vast majority of the first part of the journey was to follow a canal path. This started at Sawley Marina and finished at Sandiacre just past the Brain Clough Way (remember him?). From there we climbed a steep(ish) slope (Quarry Hill) to arrive at an undiscovered jewel known as ‘The Old School House Deli Cafe’ in Stanton by Dale. I know from past experience that there are a number of riders who rate a Wednesday ride not on distance, or picturesque countryside, or the company of their fellow riders, but on the ambience of the coffee stop. For them the quality of a latte is the only thing that spurs them on. Let me tell you that ‘The Old School House Deli Cafe’ does not disappoint (even though I ordered a tea rather than a coffee). Where else in the East Midlands can you order a pot of tea with fresh TEA LEAVES and not a pot containing a rather vulgar tea bag. It even came with a tea strainer and a cute little bottle of milk. Vic and Rob tucked into some pastry with a pile of fresh cream whilst Mick nibbled on his complementary biscuit.

Suitable refreshed and having refilled our water bottles in the toilet (the sink that is not the WC) we set off with 20 miles to go. The second half was a bit more urban and undulating, skirting past Long Eaton and Sawley before passing through Hemington and Lockington. It is there we emerged into the shadow of the world of Amazon near the Kegworth Bypass where the gardeners were hard at work cultivating the lawn of Jeff Bezos. At Long Whatton, at the bottom of Kegworth Lane, a mini meeting took place. The original intention was to head up Smithy Lane to Shepshed and enter Loughborough via the Garendon Estate, however water bottles were nearly empy, heads were turning purple in the heat and so wiser council prevailed and we headed back into Loughborough via Hathern. 36 miles ...... a walk in the park compared to last Monday with Vic !

A short/medium ride

Report by Robert

Last Wednesday morning we were invited by Howard on a ride of 25 Miles to an unknown destination. Robert, Keith, Margaret, Andrew, Clyde, Dom and Lee accepted the invitation to this "magical mystery tour" as the song goes.

We set off from Holt Drive, through the university,along several different cycle paths, coming out onto Epinal Way at the Alan Moss road roundabout. We headed for the Dishley estate and took the cycle path alongside the Wood brook to the Golf centre on Derby road. Still confused about where coffee was going to be served, we headed north on the cycle path, and were warned of "Puncture Valley" on the way to Hathern (hedge cutting) . At this point some of us took to the A6. We safely re-grouped in Hathern without mishap. We proceeded to Long Whatton and Diseworth, were we heading to Kegworth or Castle Donington, or perhaps Melbourne? We turned in the directions of Belton, and Worthington reaching the highest point of the ride opposite the path down to the Cloud trail on Top Brand, but we turned toward Osgathorpe. We were again heading towards Belton. In Belton we stopped to help a fellow cyclist who was trying to find the Cloud trail. Now on Route 6 0ut of Belton to Shepshed a tractor tried to skewer Howard and I with a large piece of metal. Now the destination was clear, coffee in Shepshed, via Halamford Road and a narrow path beside the Pied Bull where we nearly lost Clyde. 

Coffee at Finkins was efficiently served, we sat outside and had it brought to us. After Coffee I went back home via Belton to avoid traversing Hathern's puncture valley on my return home. Whilst everyone else took, the route up to the cycle path alongside the A512, and back to Loughborough.

Short ride to Seagrave, Barrow and Wymeswold

Report by David

On an extraordinarily hot day for September, many riders turned up and only six went for the short ride.

David, John, Isobel, Lynn, Pat and Eric exited Holt Drive in the direction of The Beacon, but did not stop for a drink. Instead, we carried on to Mountsorrel, led by David, until the ever more complex road works meant it was every rider for themselves.

We crossed the often-marshy terrain where the local cricket ground is sited, to Sileby, then crossed the High Street to King Street, climbing past new houses to the Seagrave Road. At the end of this road this group turned left into Big Lane, a short lane leading to the Paudy Crossroads. From here, it was downhill to Millie’s cafĂ© on the left shortly before Barrow upon Soar.

There were a few other people at Millie’s but plenty of cake ‘to go round’, for those of us not concerned about becoming physically rotund. It was great to sit outside in the shade of the hot sun and talk. However, mindful of the increasing temperature and that our riders had opted for a ride short in time as well as distance, we weary crew continued on our way. Our route from here was initially fairly steeply downhill, causing the breeze to whistle at the Lycra.

Next, having skirted Barrow on Fishpool Way, we were climbing again on the Nottingham Road, which has its ups and downs. Further to this, there is a hump to get over on Barrow Road before descending into Burton on the Wolds. Here we said goodbye to Lynn, and took the B676 past the Greyhound, and left into Wymeswold Lane.

Once in Wymeswold, Pat showed us a shortcut along Clay Street, before heading home. We then joined the busy A6006. We followed this road past Rempstone and the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre. All of us remaining riders took the permanently bumpy road downhill to Stanford upon Soar. As we turned the bend out of the village, Eric continued along Stanford Lane for home. The three of us left headed into Loughborough via Meadow Lane.

I recorded 22 miles at an average speed of 11.8 mph, and an elevation gain of 935 feet. Most of us will have been home by 12:30. 

Back in 1995

Ray Clay recently found this old photo dated April 95. Elizabeth Plumptre seated. Hi can't remember the other person. Elizabeth must have been on his tandem. They would have been at the Waterside Cafe, Redhill Marina, Ratcliffe on Soar
