Wednesday 22nd September 2021

A beautiful early autumn morning saw a good turnout of riders.

Long Ride Report (22nd Sept 2021)

by Alan

Mindful of the perfect conditions for cycling I decided to offer quite a long ride by Wednesday standards and head off to the Wildflower Farm at Langar (45 miles ± 3). Initially joined by Dave, Brian and Rob (1), ...... John, to his horror, noticed that all the other rides had slipped away and he had no choice but to join us.

Our out route involved travelling through Hoton, Wymeswold, Wysall, Widmerpool, Kinoulton and Colston Bassett, arriving at Langar around 11.15. Mindful of the distance, I tried to map a route that minimised the amount of climbing. Thankfully the Wildflower Farm had stopped the bizarre covid regulations that were in place last time I visited, which involved 5 cyclists being forced to sit individually at separate tables. In Britain (or possibly China) there must be companies that have grown rich on producing outdoor seating and tables as the 5 of us decamped on brand new furniture outside the cafe.

Suitably refreshed we set off on the return leg which was to be slightly longer and facing more of a fresh breeze. We looped around the small village of Barnstone, passing through the grounds of Langar Hall. Keyworth was reached by taking a gravel path parallel to the A46 and then racing up the Melton Road, which was not for the faint hearted. At some point John had to phone home to allay the fears that he had not been kidnapped and was in fact still alive. Following from Keyworth we descended into Wysall once more and just for the sheer hell of it decided to head back to Loughborough via Rempstone and Stanford on Soar. The Gods of Strava informed me that I had travelled 48.75 miles arriving back just before 2pm. Many thanks to John for jumping off his bike around every bend to take some great “action shots” with his camera (see the gallery).

Medium ride to Staunton Harold.

Report by Andrew

The Canter

Eight of us left at 930 heading for Staunton Harold led by Mick Gould, he advised us it was the first time he had led a ride … what could possibly go wrong?

The riders were Andrew, and on the photo L to R:- Paul, Mick, Myles, Mick G, Margaret, Betty and Keith. Paul and Betty were on their second rides after "debuting" last week, good to know that they wanted to come back!!

I nearly fell off before leaving the green meeting area but just about made it to the road. An auspicious start!!

I'm not great at remembering routes (an age thing and the fact that I blindly follow the person in front of me). But from what I recall we went out through the Uni and then headed up the Ashby Road and over the M1. We then headed off through Shepshed and Belton arriving at Staunton Harold after about 15 miles.

We headed back via Calke Abbey and all of its cattle grids giving us a good rattle and thinking there was something big going on as we were fighting against traffic coming into the park, passing Staunton Harold reservoir where someone spotted a fabulous water dispenser by the loos. (See photo).

Then we passed near Breedon quarry, I assume so anyway as my bike was covered in grit and grime off the road and I was covered in the stuff!! Then it was back to Belton and Shepshed, some then returned home through the Garendon Estate, others via Ashby Road and we were back in Loughborough about 2pm. Total distance … approx 36 miles.

The Fanta

Great stop at Staunton Harold, from the coffee shop on the right you can purchase a cuppa tea which comes in a paper cup at £2.60. The coffee shop on the left, on the other hand, yielded a lovely cup and pot of tea delivered on a tray!!

I'm not sure who had a cheese scone here but it looked magnifique, hopefully it tasted as good!!!

The Banter

My favourite bit, the usual eloquence including…

  • Music from the 70s and 80s being brilliant,
  • Modern music being rubbish, (my old age fogey filter required here!!!),
  • Playing rugby and avoiding injuries - easier said than done I would think!!
  • Future holidays in Spain … hopefully one day not too far off!!
  • The Ryder Cup golf this weekend … we can all be good Europeans for a few days!!!
  • Having addictions to various temptations … drugs, gambling, booze etc!!
  • How when we were young we could save money and not spend it like water (fogey filter required again).
  • Leicester City FC … I think this was bought about by houses in Shepshed being developed by "James Madison". Presumably not the same midfield maestro!!!
  • The joys of making a cuppa from tea leaves compared tea bags (fogey filter again required!!)
  • Buying vinyl records from The Left Legged Pineapple and Castles in The Precinct. (more fogey filter needed!!).

All in all a great day out … beats going to work, that's for sure!! Happy Days!!

Short ride report via The Race Hub 22nd Sept 2021

Report by David

On an Indian summer day, many riders were raring to go; albeit on a short leisurely ride around well-ridden tracks. So it was that we magnificent seven riders set off, probably before the full contingent of riders had arrived at Holt Drive.

David led Eric, Derek, Pat, Siva, Robert and Marcus on the usual route out to Quorn crossroads, then left onto Farley Way. Of course, the riders needed to limber up for this and pace themselves. But, by the time we got to the road bridge over the A6, with limbs fully limbered, we headed for Barrow upon Soar. So also did a car, called “Daryl”, a big car that wanted to use the same bits of road as us at the same time, whose driver was hidden by a mass of hair. As we turned left along the High Street, Daryl was gone, and we passed local people out fetching their morning loaf. Out the other side of Barrow, we turned right along Fishpool Way, then left up Melton Road to Paudy Lane. The breeze was behind us and the sun reflected off harvested wheatfields, unharvested sweetcorn plants and sunflowers mixed with other plants.

We duly arrived at the Race Hub, and firstly noticed what a popular venue it was. There was a row of new cubicles, an indication of a change of focus for the venue. Hardy folk in wetsuits ambled in turn into the lake. We wondered whether they would still be doing this in February, when Alice the Smasher strides into Loch Insh wielding a sledgehammer. They swam a lap of the lake (temperature 17.5°C) and were then entitled to partake of the goodies served from an outdoor counter. The cakes are legendary. A gentleman returned to near where we sat, and Marcus expertly helped release him from his wetsuit. We found it difficult to release ourselves from the ambience of the venue and were there for nearly an hour.

After our exit, we had to cross the busy Six Hills Lane, before turning along the road through Ragdale. This gives opportunity for downhill speed, cut short by a tight left-hand corner. After a short climb, sufficient altitude is regained to look across Leicestershire to the hills of Bradgate Park. Next, we concertinaed through the happy village of Hoby, and coasted generally downhill to Thrussington and through to Ratcliffe on the Wreake. From here, we turned downhill to the A46 bridge, and were allowed to pass by a lady in a tractor with a trailer laden with bales of straw. We raced up the other side and turned into Humble Lane for a drink and a cough (not a persistent one, though).

At the bottom of Humble Lane, we crossed the railway bridge and turned right into Bennett’s Lane, leading to Main Street Cossington. By now, Eric was on his home straight, and proceeded to the front of the pack. We waved to Eric as we passed into Sileby. By the church, we then waved to Pat. The rest of us continued via Mountsorrel and Quorn, and further divided at the One Ash roundabout.

The ride was about 25 miles, with an elevation gain about 900 feet. Our average speed was 11.8 mph, so perhaps not so leisurely in the end.
