Wednesday 1st September 2021

A rather cool, overcast and drizzly morning saw another excellent turnout at Holt Drive, with four rides setting out.

Long Ride 01/09/2021

Report by Alan

I didn’t do a head count but it seemed that we had one of the largest turnouts ever at Holt Drive this week. A new member called Eric came along and was introduced to everyone and he quickly made friends.

I had the pleasure of Marcus, Rob, Vic, Trish, Phil, Mick and Brian’s company this week. I decided to pull out all the stops and treat them to a ride that had everything; a decent distance (38 miles), varying terrain, quiet lanes, canal paths, stately homes, challenging climbs, sweeping descents, scarily busy roads and treks through a forest. I’ll charge a fee next time.

The first part of the route was to Shepshed via the Garendon Park estate and from there to Belton and on to Tonge. In order to maximise the length of the Cloud Trail we did a loop around Tonge via Breedon on the Hill to pick up the trail at the Worthington Lane car park. The trail led us to a canal path a couple of miles short of Swarkestone which was to be our coffee stop. 18 miles covered and (on paper) 20 miles remaining. The food and drinks were on the pricey side but very fresh and generous (thank you Trish). After lounging around for a bit we set off, but not before I remembered the photo this week. 

The 7 cyclists lined up like a police identity parade. Spot the burglar.

On the second half of the route Ticknall was the first objective which involved a couple of steep slopes getting there. It was then on through the Staunton Harold estate, sneaking along the one way system the wrong way to emerge at the A42 just outside Lount. The outskirts of Whitwick beckoned but we managed to avoid those nasty hills by passing through the Grace Dieu Wood to pop out just in front of the Grace Dieu Priory. 

It was at this point things began to unravel. The original plan was to charge down the A512 and head directly back to Loughborough. Although it is a very busy road I have a disconcertingly bright red laser light on my rear mudguard that even the most dopey motorist cannot fail to spot and I was happy to act as the rear gunner. The consensus of the group was to go back the “prettier” route via Belton. Therefore the target of 38 miles went out the window. At the crossroads of the Ashby Road outside Belton we were collectively struck down with indecision. Half the group left to go back via Shepshed but Mick, Brian Trish and myself opted for Long Whatton. The irony of the latter group was we found ourselves on far busier roads than the A512 and it added nearly 6 miles on to the day!

Intermediate Ride

Report by Keith

Seven of us set off for Melbourne, - David, Pat, Margaret, Andrew, Bryan, Rob S and Keith - shortly joined by Howard to make eight. The route was through the University, Epinal Way, down the Blackbrook path and through Hathern towards Shepshed – cutting through Hathern avoiding the traffic lights, a route which Howard had never been on! Then it was to Belton and Tonge, where we went down the steps to the Cloud trail. Fixing feet to pedals was discussed here, noting that toe clips do not have clips, whereas other systems called “Clipless” do have clips.

Arriving in Melbourne the consensus was that we should go to the “posh” Melbourne Hall Tea Rooms rather than the more “transport cafĂ©” Shazzas, so we arrived there as the drizzle started. Not having Phil in the group meant we had to move the outside chairs ourselves, because the suitable space inside was reserved for 12 noon, and we were told they needed an hour between table occupants. However outside we just sat where we wanted as soon as someone else left – I just love consistent application of rules! They did bring out a couple of table umbrellas for us, and the refreshments were good. Bryan left us here as he wanted more mileage.

Which route back? The way we had come along the level Cloud Trail, or up, down and up through Wilson to Tonge? Margaret made it clear that we had “not really done much” so far, so we all obediently set off through Wilson. Then it was Diseworth, Long Whatton (where we observed that the Skylink buses were a different colour from usual, with two maroon ones passing us), and back to Hathern. Pat peeled off her for home, and the rest of us went our separate ways from Epinal Way. About 30 miles.

Short Ride

Report by Terry

Eight riders started to leave Holt Drive on a shortish route to Oaklands in Kegworth, however I, Terry, was held up chatting to Howard about Skytrex, a model making company down North Road. I heard a shout from across the road saying we’re waiting! So the 8 of us, Anne, Rosalind, Sue, Dom, Dave, Myles and Clyde, set off a couple of minutes late across the Green Belt towards town and Stanford. 

Through Stanford and up Fox Hill, that always slows everyone down whizzing down the other side and on to Normanton and Sutton Bonnington. In Sutton we turned right under the railway bridge up the “quiet lane” which turned out not to be so quiet, halve way up a working crew were removing the overhead electric lines presumably to replace them. At the top we turned left towards the Star at West Leake but we sailed past the Star and the right turn to New Kingston fortunately a large layby was just ahead and we all safely turned round, this time turning left to New Kingston and onto to the A453 and cycle track to Kegworth. At the entrance to the power station, I was duly heading towards the cycle track along side the A453 when I noticed Clyde, Dom and Dave shoot passed towards the marina. As the others caught up, I asked them to wait and went of in pursuit of the renegade three, however I saw them heading towards the bridge under the A453 at this point I gave up the pursuit as it would take too long to catch them and returned to the less renegade group, intending to ring them when we reached Oaklands. During their diversion Clyde saw a vision in pink believing to be Rosalind started waving to attract her attention, this apparently continued for several minutes until the group caught up with “Rosalind” and she turned out to be a pink bollard, perhaps he should have gone to Specsavers. Either that or he is too old to wave at ladies and feels safer with bollards!!

Leaving the A453 cycle track towards Long Lane the track is steadily getting narrower due the brambles expanding rapidly. So using this lane now requires a bit of care as the brambles are quite thorny. Left onto Long Lane and Kegworth. 

We arrived at Oaklands half expecting to see the renegades, but no one was there. As we were parking our bikes the 3 arrived only a little apologetic, apparently one of them thought the route I was taking involved several hairpin bends which always tests skills.

Cakes and bacon cobs were enjoyed by all some buying several for absent partners! 

Leaving Oaklands in our wake we cycled up Whatton Road a killer of a hill especially after a rest and cake.

We took a shortish return route to Loughborough via Long Whatton and Hathern, riders started splitting along Epinal Way to their various homes. 23 miles in total Holt Drive to Holt Drive.

Shortest Ride

Report by John

After the other more populous rides had departed, just John, Patrick and Eric remained at Holt Drive. As John had agreed to pick up any riders attracted by publicity as part of the Quorn Festival, the group had to be in Quorn for 10.00 and it was decided to head for Ellis's Tea Room at Rothley Station.

In order not to arrive too early route out via Haddon Way, skirting the northern edge of Mucklin Wood, was chosen. The riders arrived promptly in Quorn at 10.00, but as with the previous week, no riders awaited them.

The group then headed south and up Wood Lane, turning right into the Ridings to wend their way via Swithland and Cropston Reservoir to the tea rooms.

It was drizzling when they arrived so refreshments were taken indoors where they were joined by Ray Clay.

After a long tea break the riders returned via Bradgate Road, Swithland, Woodhouse and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough just after noon.
