Wednesday 26th May 2021

 Lots of cyclists showed today. I had three rides planned, but quickly had to organise another 'intermediate ride' as Terry's group would otherwise have been far too big.  Vic lead a 'long ride' out to Borrough Court, Terry's 'intermediate' was to Kegworth via Gotham, Mick had the task of working out another 'intermediate ride', choosing Melbourne as a destination, whilst I lead a short ride to Stonehurst  Family Farm and Museum, via Swithland Reservoir.

Mick's Intermediate Ride report by Phil.

So it was that the magnificent seven composed of leader Mick; Bryan Phil,Margaret, Dave ,Keith and Rob formed up . Eschewing the delight of a ride to Burrough on the Hill which would have meant returning into the teeth of the wind, thanks for the offer... a route north and west was selected. 

Goodness, hasn't the Wednesday cycling group grown, noted your correspondent, from the numbers pre covid, and this despite no sign of Eric, John Catt, or Derek. We may need a bigger table or more of them for Christmas lunch. Still that's more chairs to rearrange then. 'Short riders' to the left of them, 'long riders' to the right of them, on and on rode the magnificent seven who did not get lost until they had crossed the Forest Road. Luckily an unadopted path allowed us very quickly to get back on the right path and cross the University. The first stop followed a chat with university personnel, who helped without even leaving their van. I misheard and without glasses misread the information boards and only latterly noticed that the House was a bathaus, and neither a roman remain, nor a rare example of an interwar German art movement dwelling. The bats seemed in the pictures, to be enjoying themselves. Along the cycle path up to Shepshed and then up the Garendon trail, to Belton we sped into the wind. 

A debate was had as to the pronunciation of Tonge with a hard or soft 'g' and Wilson was also traversed. Good to see some signs of renaissance despite the late end of spring compared with last year. Passing to the East of Breedon, it was up and over; down into Melbourne as planned for coffee. What a delight was Melbourne Hall cafe! Thank goodness we arrived when we did, as massed cyclists et al arrived shortly after our arrival and queued! Great piece of warmed bakewell with whipped cream for me. The reasonably priced tea was also remarked upon. A number of jokes were told, the last ending with the punch line....  because you're an ugly so and so! Charming! 

Remounting, it was up and to the left at the butter Cross to ride through Calke Abbey, and by the side of Staunton reservoir.  The prodigious number of Cloud trail quarry lorries was remarked upon. One member of the group explained how their prescription lenses fitted into a subframe within their riding glasses and having seen Terry's use of same, I resolved to investigate the matter. Some light rain began to fall, but it never amounted to much.  By this stage, the group was fragmenting with riders peeling off left right and centre. Returning via Belton and in the opposite direction along the Garendon trail, we reached Shepshed. Here the group split further and some returned via Garendon Park and others via the A512. Great ride today. 


The Short Ride report by Howard.

A small and exclusive group, comprised of myself Leigh and Rob, set off on the 'Short ride'. As we all happened to have fat tyres today we used an old favourite route to exit town, this being via Mucklin Wood  and out by Beaumanor Hall. From here it was up through Woodhouse to School Lane where we turned left and down through Swithland then past the Reservoir. Here we stopped briefly to check out the view. Carrying on it was left again at the cross roads, over the heritage railway at Granite's then down Bond Lane to our Cafe stop at Stonehurst Farm (and Motor Museum). With the weather being dry we sat outside. Leigh fed the chickens though not out of choice, as one Hen flew up and pinched his scone from out of his hand. Be warned! 

Having plenty of time we extended our ride on the return leg by going round the back of Quorn through a couple of jitties to Meynell Road and up Barrow Road to Farnham Street at the end of which we took the path round  Springfield Lake coming out on Farley Way. From here it was just short ride into town along Epinal Way arriving back just before noon. 

Terry's Intermediate Ride report by Terry.

Yet another good turn out at Holt Drive saw Howard’s hair turn grey trying to organise it all.

I was accosted by Phillip “where was I going and can Rosalind come?”

It was great to see a number of old friends returning to the rides after the craziness in the world.

Rosalind, Andrew, Marcus, Mick, Myles and myself (Terry) set off across the Green Belt towards Meadow Lane and Stanford. On we went up the hill and down the other side to East Leake past TWO cafes in East Leake, really must get better at stopping at these places, maybe one day we’ll have a ride that stops at as many cafes on a Wednesday morning as possible! On to Gotham, Rosalind claimed she had never been to Gotham, neither Nottinghamshire nor New Jersey.

Left in Gotham to Kingston and Kegworth, stopping at Oaklands in Kegworth. We were about to leave Oaklands and Myles shouted what about a photo whoops I’ll remember that myself one day.

Out of Kegworth up Whatton Lane hill, not good straight after a slab of upside down cheesecake but I still made it without getting off. Down into Long Whatton and off to Shepshed and Loughborough via Garendon park. On leaving Garendon park we started to split up to our various homes, as Shakespeare puts it  “exuent severally”.

A total of 26 miles.


Vic's Long (Intermediate) Ride report by Vic.

Having been asked by Howard to lead a ride for the LWC due to several of the usual leaders being absent, I willingly volunteered. We agreed it would be a longer ride so I proposed a trip encompassing the new coffee and cake stop at Burroughs Court. I arrived at the meeting spot to see a fair few LWC members assembling for the days' rides. A few pleasantries were exchanged and then the sifting process started and people began to form groups according to their desired ride. It soon became obvious my route was not very popular in fact no one opted for it! Several groups left and I was left with Howard and a group of four rather sheepish looking members, a quick discussion took place and it was decided I would lead these on a ride to Nice Pie.

My first leading role had not started well but at least the group of four consisted of a LWC legend (making an appearance after a long absence), Clyde and his friend Dominic and two ladies Pat and Trish. We set off for our ride via the Epinal Way cycle path to Quorn where we then headed to Barrow. At the ‘Barrow Kipper’ we had our first stop and a short discussion ensued, resulting in a new target of Church View Nursery in Barkby. We travelled via Sileby and turned up Ratcliffe Road then onto East Goscote, at the junction of the old Melton Road we had another stop where after another brief discussion we decided to go on a slightly longer but quieter route via Gaddesby, Barsby and South Croxton.
We made serene progress until the crossroads at Barsby where the main road was closed and the traffic diverted through South Croxton this meant what should have been an enjoyable pedal along Ridgemere Lane became a battle to avoid traffic dodging the diversion. We arrived at the coffee stop with the heavens looking threatening and were glad to see there was at least a gazebo option if required.
After selecting our coffee and cake choices we sat at a table under an umbrella, a pleasant conversation took place with Clyde recounting his recently aborted coast to coast trip in the unseasonal inclement weather we've been experiencing.
With the skies still threatening we set off via Syston and the canal path to Cossington, here I parted company with the group as they assured me they would happily find their own way back home. I arrived home shortly after and not long after the rain came. Hopefully the group managed to get home without getting too wet. So my first ride had ended, I couldn't have wished for a nicer group and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
