
Showing posts from May, 2021

Wednesday 26th May 2021

 Lots of cyclists showed today. I had three rides planned, but quickly had to organise another 'intermediate ride' as Terry's group would otherwise have been far too big.  Vic lead a 'long ride' out to Borrough Court, Terry's 'intermediate' was to Kegworth via Gotham, Mick had the task of working out another 'intermediate ride', choosing Melbourne as a destination, whilst I lead a short ride to Stonehurst  Family Farm and Museum, via Swithland Reservoir. Mick's Intermediate Ride report by Phil. So it was that the magnificent seven composed of leader Mick; Bryan Phil,Margaret, Dave ,Keith and Rob formed up . Eschewing the delight of a ride to Burrough on the Hill which would have meant returning into the teeth of the wind, thanks for the offer... a route north and west was selected.  Goodness, hasn't the Wednesday cycling group grown, noted your correspondent, from the numbers pre covid, and this despite no sign of Eric, John Catt,

Wednesday 19th May 2021

Middling ride report by Graham I think about 5 rides were on offer today, I was offering a 32 miler for those not up to one of Alan’s epics, and Howard, deputising for the absent John, managed to press-gang 3 punters to join my pod. So at 9:33 myself, Vic, Keith and Phil (Keith’s friend, not the chair rearranging one), set off through town where we immediately caught up with Alan’s long riders, playing leap-frog with them until we shook them off by Cotes Mill. We then turned right off the A60 and made our way towards Walton on the Wolds, across Paudy Lane and down to Seagrave. Climbing out past the LCFC training ground, Vic and Phil (who told me he doesn’t cycle very often) disappeared into the distance, leaving myself and Keith gasping in their wake, although Keith was able to explain that Phil “may not cycle much but he runs a lot”. The runaway pair graciously waited for us at the treacherous A46 crossing, then we descended into Thrussington, resisting the temptation of

Wednesday 12th May 2021

Long(ish) Ride Report by Alan Lots of cyclists turned up this week, probably in part to the milder weather. I didn’t count them, that’s John’s job, but when Howard and I led our groups away quite a few riders still seemed to be left milling around. Something crazy might happen next week when the group sizes might increase beyond 6. Our destination for coffee was Barton in Fabis, having had it on good authority from Marcus that the cafe there was finally open for outdoor customers. The group consisted of Sue, Marcus, Margaret, Mick and Trish. Some wag (Eric) on Strava suggested we were related to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch from the 60’s. If so then I suppose I’m Dozy. Our route to Barton bypassed the railway station, and on to Stanford on Soar via Meadow Lane, then Normanton, Sutton Bonington and West Leake. Leaving town we didn’t get stopped by the usual massive number of red traffic lights for once and so we made good time and arrived at the stop by 11.00am. The gr

Wednesday 5th May 2021

Intermediate Ride Report by Terry and Anne The Wednesday Cyclists congregated. Enough riders arrived at last. Terry offered a medium thirty miles – Not too short and not too fast. The coffee shop had confirmed They were open from 10. 00 a.m. So six madison style middle distancers Set off to arrive after then. Terry, nominally the leader With Andrew and Anne in tow Set off with Keith, Mick and Myles Wondering which way they would go. The first halt to cadence came very soon At Maxwell Drive – we just wanted to cross. But for cyclists, some of the drivers Just didn’t seem to give a toss. Through Hathern, Diseworth and Tonge, We continued to chat and pedal And on through Breedon and Staunton Where we finally got off our saddles. We left Loughborough in the sunshine And took it with us to the cafF Where once we’d got our coffee and cake We had quite a laugh. The socially distanced markings For people in the queue Went