Wednesday 28th April 2021

Intermediate Ride Report

(28th April 2021) by Alan

A large turnout gathered in gloomy weather conditions. I noticed with some satisfaction I appeared to be the only one in shorts. I’m impervious to the cold having been brought up in the foothills of the mountains in Essex.

David, Nikki and the faithful Mick joined me (Alan) as the second group to depart, our destination being Thornton. I had given a warning that the first part of the ride was going to include a fair amount of going uphill. There are some stiff climbs to the west of Loughborough. Luckily for us a stiff breeze was behind us.

Leaving Holt Drive, we meandered through housing estates, emerging on the A6 near the new Aldi. Proceeding through Quorn, we turned right into Wood Lane, climbed to the top, and took a right turn into Kinchley Lane. From there it’s a fast descent to the perimeter of Swithland Reservoir. A gravel track (Rushey Lane) then took us to Brand Lane and then with a right hand turn we faced another step ascent up Swithland Road. The most taxing climb was Warren Hill, but again the wind was behind us and so overcoming that led to a very fast descent into and through Newtown Linford. At that point we turn right again up Groby Lane and past Groby Pool. At this point I heard Mick calling out “not Groby Pool, .... not Groby Pool”. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about and so, as on many past occasions, I ignored him (but all became clear a bit further on).

By now the sun had come out, the weather became noticeably warmer, and so we sped through Groby, passed Groby College where I did my first teaching practice back in 1978. Nikki kindly pointed out that that was the year she was born and so that made me feel a lot better. We pressed on to Ratby and turned right up Burroughs Road. This is a lovely quiet stretch that leads into Burroughs Wood which was a mass of bluebells and other flora. Thornton Reservoir was reached at the 18 mile mark. Instead of taking our coffee etc. in the nursery, Mick took us a couple of hundred yards down a track opposite and there was a cafe, benches and even a public loo for Nikki. It was there that Mick elaborated on his Groby Pool comments. I don’t want to go into too much detail but it was a tragic story of unrequited love between a young amateur boxer and a woman who spurned his advances nearly 60 years ago. Mick has never forgotten and the scars have still not healed.

Leaving Thornton the ride took on a rather urban feel passing through Bagworth, Ellistown and Hugglescote (where the Huggles live). The road surface was not the best and the wind by this stage was full in our faces. One more climb remained ... up Meadow Lane / Abbey Road to reach Oaks in Charnwood. From there it was a case of Charley Road and a left turn into Nanpantan Road to reach Loughborough. 31 miles in total and if you don’t believe me it’s all on Strava!

Short ride report by Graham

Returning to the LWC fold for the first time since the latest lockdown, I offered to lead a short or medium ride as a gentle introduction. And the iffy forecast had me thinking of sheltered tea rooms, when the ever helpful Derek suggested Beardley’s.

And so it was that the long and medium rides having departed, Derek, Eric and John followed me south along the old A6 to Mountsorrel, then through Sileby and Cossington from where we attacked Humble Lane, uphill into a brisk headwind. Some attacked more aggressively than others, particularly Mr Catt, who sprinted ahead to take some action photos.

Regrouping at the top of the climb we then dropped under the A46 before heading left to Thrussington and then right to Rearsby, where our pre-booked table awaited. Derek was denied his usual sausage cob, so we settled for bacon sandwiches and teacakes, in the unexpected but welcome sunshine.

After a respectable break we sauntered south along route 48 to Syston, passing Brook cafe (currently closed but formerly a LWC favourite), before picking up the canal path northwards. We parted ways at Syston Road, myself heading home via Rothley, the other 3 heading back via Sileby to town.

I covered around 26 miles and was home before 1pm, as per my spousal orders.

Long ride

report by Bryan

Howard led the Great trail ride along the river Trent. Trish, Keith, Mick and Bryan joined him on the 35 - 40 Mile ride via Clifton, Beeston Lock, Sawley, Kegworth and the return to Loughborough.

Since Trish and Keith expressed an interest in trying to get back for commitments around 1:30 we took the direct route to Clifton via Stanford and East Leake. A damp and cold start saw us leave Loughborough, arriving soon after in East Leake. Now with a moderate head wind we battled on through Gotham towards Clifton. Using Barton Lane to link to Green street we joined the cycle path alongside the 453. Passing through Clifton old village we dropped down through Clifton Wood to make the Bridleway alongside the Trent just as the skies lightened to make the whole aspect of the river and woodlands very attractive.

After crossing the River Trent using Clifton Bridge (the cycle path runs alongside the A52 for this short distance) and now with the wind behind us, we accessed the canal towpath just before Boots to Beeston Lock., At Beeston Lock we stopped for refreshments using the outdoor shelter to protect us from the cold wind. Following the mandatory photo shoot, with Mick in the lead, we took the narrow path alongside the river; passing Attenborough Nature reserve and the various ex gravel pits which have turned into a great leisure area we eventually arrived at Sawley Marina. From here Trish took the lead and, mindful of her 1:30 commitment, set a surprisingly high pace past Kegworth and Hathern alongside the A6.

We arrived at Loughborough at about 1:20 after approx. 36 miles including about 15 miles of trail; here the group split to make their various ways home.

Intermediate Ride 2

Report by Terry

Another good turn out at Holt Drive saw 4 groups set off.

Four of us Anne, Myles, a new rider Lee and myself, Terry. Left via Beacon Road to Bradgate Park Deer Barn Café.

Out via Quorn and Woodhouse to the edge of Swithland, just before Swithland we turned right up Warren Hill, the steepest part of the ride as usual the riders became separated on the climb and regrouped at the top just before Hunts Hill car park and the reward of a long down past the Grey Lady restaurant and into Newtown Linford.

Left into Bradgate Park along the track to the Deer Barn, a slight excitement here where three young deer (not old dears!) were blocking the carriage way a simple ding on the bells sent them scurrying across the ditch into the deer sanctuary unfortunately they were not quite big enough to leap the gap and turned around heading deeper into the park. Refreshments at the Deer Barn were the usual fare of coffee , scones and cakes.

Leaving the park via the gate and across the dam to Cropston, Rothley Sileby and Sileby Lane to Mountsorrel and Quorn. Myles left at One Ash and Lee left Anne and myself at the new Arc centre.

A total of 26 miles.
