Wednesday 31st March 2021

A beautiful early spring day saw 17 riders turnout at Holt Drive. 

Short Ride

After David and Alan had led off their pods of six, just John, Keith, Wendy, Lyn and new rider Nikki remained. It was decided to head for the garden centre at Cossington as it was known to be open and provided the opportunity to sit out in the garden area.

The riders head out past Mucklin Wood and then on to Swithland and Rothley. Reaching the old A6 the riders decided on the longer route option and headed south towards Birstall taking the bridge over the A6 leading to Wanlip. John's navigation went slightly astray in Birstall and he took the riders down an unexplored track towards Watermead Park but ran into a locked gate. After a team effort the bikes were successfully lifted over the obstacle and the group headed north through the park and then followed the path alongside the Soar to Cossington.

At the garden center we were pleased to bump into Patrick and Lawrie who were just leaving.

After some excellent refreshment, including hot cross buns, the riders headed for home via Sileby and Moutsorrel returning to Loughborough shortly after noon.

Some of the photos taken can be found in the 2021 album  and more can be found on with the entry on the Facebook page.

Intermediate Ride

This was the first ride by LWC to set off after lockdown was lifted on groups of 6 people meeting outdoors.

The weather was unseasonably warm (about 23°C) and light wind, with frequent bright sunshine and very few clouds – we’d be glad of a day like this in summer.

David was accompanied by Mick, Rob Stephens, Rob Smith, Pat and Myles.

We followed a typical route out to Barrow-upon-Soar - along Ling Road, Loughborough Road, Farley Way, then over the road bridge and along Barrow Road. However, once up the hill to the roundabout we turned left and went through the village centre. After a brief catch up, we circled round Fishpool Way to join the Melton Road out to Paudy Lane. A quite fast pace was maintained up this prolonged stretch. But not too fast to be summarily overtaken by Phil and Patrick, who cheered us on as they sped past.

We passed under the A46 at Six Hills, and turned off right towards Ragdale. Following another breather, we were on our way on the dipping and winding road through Ragdale to Hoby. There was very little traffic, so chance to talk. We were mainly sharing the roads with other cyclists. From Hoby, we proceeded to Thrussington. On the village green there were a few people sitting out, but still space for thirsty cyclists. The village shop was selling coffee with an aroma that I had not smelled in 6 months, and for those tempted, American-size Blueberry Muffins.

After a short discussion about the route home, there was a majority in favour of taking Humble Lane, which was an improvement over the back road into Sileby proposed by the leader. So, the leader ate humble pie instead of muffins.
We resumed in the direction of Radcliffe-on-the-Wreake. Then it was everyone for themselves down under the A46 and up the hill to Humble Lane, where we re-gathered. It was a joy to coast down this hill, as if standing still while we were passed by another cyclist going at great speed.

Then, as we entered Cossington, Myles remembered that we did not yet have a group photo. So, from humble beginnings we proudly stood in front of Cossington Hall, a veritable castle.

Our route back was via Sileby, where Pat turned off, then across the now dry Mountsorrel Lane, to Mountsorrel, Quorn and Loughborough. 

We were back, without incident, at about noon.

Long Ride

Wednesday 31st March 2021. Remember that date. After 3 long winter months, Dear Leader (Boris Johnson) gave us permission to meet in groups of 6 to cycle once more.

I (Alan) was racked with doubt. Would a 42 mile trip to Repton be too much for a Wednesday cycle ride? The splinter group that meets on occasional Mondays would snort at such an idea but I still wasn’t sure, especially when I spied Sue’s tiny battery pack on her bike.

Undeterred, Marcus, Sue, Mike, Bryan and Trish set off with me in blazing sunshine on what promised to be a very warm day. The outbound journey was to take us initially through Hathern, Long Whatton and Diseworth. If anyone needs a reminder of the effect this pandemic has done to this country then take a ride through the grounds of East Midlands Airport at this time. The whole campus looked like a set from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” i.e. completely deserted on what normally is one of the busiest weeks of the year. From East Midlands Airport we coasted through Donington Park race track (also deserted), Kings Newton, Stanton by Bridge, Barrow upon Trent and parallel to the canal at Arleston. It was at this point the inevitable happened. Sue, down to 3 bars on her battery, and 18 miles on the clock, made the wise decision to turn back with hubby Marcus. This was not before she had to take a detailed Physics lesson from Bryan on battery technology. Bryan is possibly the kind of guy that advises someone making a cup of tea not to squeeze the teabag on removing it from the cup as it defies the rules of fluid dynamics.

Three miles further on we reached Mercia Marina, near Willingdon, for our coffee stop. A beautiful setting spoiled only by the squabbling, noisy geese. Bryan, again anxious to add to our education, gave a brief but entertaining lecture on medieval toiletry habits which I shall not recap here.

Repton (our destination) was further 2 miles down the road. If you are thinking of stopping here in Repton, then don’t. It doesn’t seem to have anything other than a school and a church but perhaps I’m being unfair. Our return journey took us back through Milton and Ticknall. Calke Abbey grounds were now open so we cracked on through there catching a glance at the herds of wilderbeasts sweeping majestically across the plains. It was at this point I remembered the photo (see attached) just before Bryan left us for further adventures by himself on the Cloud Trail.

The final leg for the remaining three saw us pass through Breedon on the Hill, Tonge, Belton and a skirt around Shepshed. Just over 42 miles to get back into Loughborough just after 2.00pm.

A hot, tiring morning but it was good to be back.
