Wednesday 9th December 2020

Ride report: (Report thanks to Robert)

As a group of Lycra clad road warriors assembled at the meeting place, they quickly split into two groups of six, & vacated the area before drawing too much attention, although Hi Viz yellow & orange being the predominant clothing colours, wasn’t very subtle.

Six riders, Myles, Mick, Bryan, Keith, Andrew & Rob headed off for East Leake, via Barrow, Burton on the Wolds, Wymeswold, Wysall, then East Leake.

A break was taken at the Café in East Leake where the mince pies proved the most popular, except for Andrew who chose the French pastry, before import duties start in January, & Bryan who indulged in a bacon sandwich which turned out to be a monster bun of a peculiar shape.

The lively conversation covered many topical subjects, being interrupted by Keith observing that a floor plate the group had assembled around was an interesting design & also not placed squarely to the surrounding block paving (he confessed to having “engineers OCD” on these things). Bryan immediately brought his Apple watch to the rescue deciding that the plate was in fact indicating it was pointing Northerly, he also informed us that the watch also told the time amongst its many other attributes.

A conversation took place about the merits of exhibits at the Tate Galleries, with Bryan describing an experience of suddenly being drawn into one picture after getting the correct perspective on it, the group decided that smoking illegal substances before entering the Gallery might have had some greater effect on this though.

Ad hoc ride, ride report:(Thanks to Rosalind)

Wednesday, Just the Two of Us ride.

A dryish morning encouraged a hastily planned ride for the Hamsons. Our 10.23 departure north along Epinal Way meant frost bite was just about avoided for the first time this week. Our route took us up the A6, left just after Hathern and out to Belton. Interesting discussions were had about the complex workings of Tesco's 3 for 2 pricing system and Philip's hastily fastened overbooks being waterproof, but not thermal and these were what he really needed! (He will have to wait and see what Santa brings him, won't he?) From Belton we rode back to Long Whatton and on to Kegworth.

For the second time in a week turkey cobs with all the trimmings were consumed on a bench near the church. The second we finished we set out towards Sutton Bonnington, though Philip did make an unplanned journey down Long Lane to check it is open (it is). Our route then was Normanton and over Fox Hill, through Stanford and back to Loughborough, whereupon the next pieces of our Flying Scotsman jigsaw were added.
