
Showing posts from December, 2020

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Ride report: (Report thanks to Robert) As a group of Lycra clad road warriors assembled at the meeting place, they quickly split into two groups of six, & vacated the area before drawing too much attention, although Hi Viz yellow & orange being the predominant clothing colours, wasn’t very subtle. Six riders, Myles, Mick, Bryan, Keith, Andrew & Rob headed off for East Leake, via Barrow, Burton on the Wolds, Wymeswold, Wysall, then East Leake. A break was taken at the CafĂ© in East Leake where the mince pies proved the most popular, except for Andrew who chose the French pastry, before import duties start in January, & Bryan who indulged in a bacon sandwich which turned out to be a monster bun of a peculiar shape. The lively conversation covered many topical subjects, being interrupted by Keith observing that a floor plate the group had assembled around was an interesting design & also not placed squarely to the surrounding block paving (he confessed to having “engine