
Showing posts from July, 2023

Wednesday 26th July 2023

Medium Ride Report by Vic Some new faces were at the Clubhouse for the weekly roll out. JC arrived and scurried around trying to put some order into the disorganised throng. The menu of rides was announced and it became clear extra leaders would be needed as Bryan was unable to fulfil his offer of a ride to Melbourne. Phil offered a ride to Asfordby and I offered one to the Factoryheads cafe at Donnington Park. This proved popular and 11 willing volunteers stepped forward and duly followed me out via the A6 cycle path to Quorn where we turned towards Woodhouse. Due to the largish group we took the Swithland road turning up Brand Hill and then Maplewell Road the group tackled the ascent at their own pace and we regrouped by the school. From here we went via Bawdon Lodge and would have headed to Shepshed to pass down Tickow Lane but we're thwarted by a closed road and so had to climb up to the Monastery then down Swannymoat Road and onto Belton where we headed towards Diesw

Wednesday 19th July 2023

Another cool overcast morning with the threat of rain saw an excellent turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out. Long Ride Report by Alan Not one of my finest moments. Unselfishly, I offered 3 options to John for the long ride, at Holt Drive; (Swarkestone, Borrowash and Ruddington). The unanimous verdict was Swarkestone. Loading this route into my Garmin, having not cycled there for about 6 months, the device got completely confused meandering out of Loughborough. The sum result was that by the time we got to Warwick Way it had completely lost the route and I had to confess I hadn’t a clue which way to head on from there. Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and it was at this point that Mick stepped forward and offered to lead from that point. I could see some veterans of the Foxton Locks debacle looking decidedly edgy at this point but this was an opportunity for Mick to redeem himself, and regain his self respect. Mick decided to play it safe and shun the quiet wind

Wednesday 12th July 2023

A cool overcast morning but with sunny spells saw an excellent turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out. Short Ride Report by John Once the longer three rides had left, Steve, John, Andrew, Ian, Clyde, Lee, Derek, Duncan and Fiona remained for a short ride to Rothley Station. As Rothley Station is close, even for a short ride, John chose meander the route intially heading out via Haddon Way to take the cycle track down to Woodthorpe. This was a bit of a mistake as the exit near the Woodthorpe roundabout was covered by a large muddy puddle as a result ot the heavy rain from the previous day. Eventually all the riders negotiated this obstacle without mishap and the group proceeded on south through Quorn. The riders then headed up Wood Lane out or the valley and past the quarry before taking a right to Swithand. Here they turned left up Leicester Road and proceeded to Reservoir Road which took them to Anstey Lane and onwards to the station. Derek and Fiona followed by S