
Showing posts from December, 2021

Wednesday 22nd December 2021

A cold and frosty morning produced a surprisingly high turnout with four groups departing from Holt Drive. Medium Ride Report by Howard I arrived at Holts Drive with a ride in mind to Ferrers at Staunton Harold, purely selfish as I had a few more things I needed to buy for Xmas. John announced my destination and distance and the offer was taken up by Paul, Betty, Bryan, Rob, Vic and Tricia. Setting off we decided that it wouldn't be too muddy if we were to take the shorter route through Garendon Park, to Belton and from here to Osgathorpe via Grace Dieu Lane. Taking the fairly easy climb up Breeden Lane allowed us to drop down Bull Hill into Worthington.  I had originally planned the route in the opposite direction but knew I would take some flak if we had to cycle up Bull Hill so I had reversed the route. (Though my Garmin wasn't to sure for some reason and was occasionally suggesting I make a U turn which I ignored, only for it to change its mind a few yards/metres furth

Wednesday 15th December 2021

A mild December day with some sunshine saw an excellent turnout or riders resulting in 4 groups leaving Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John After most of the rides had left Rosalind, Lynn, Jeanette, Ian and John opted for a short ride to the village shop at Normanton on Soar.. The group headed out through Market Square, then out on Meadow Lane taking the road towards West Leake. Arriving at the end of Brickyard Lane the riders were faced with three choices of route and chose the longer one out to Kingston on Soar from where they turned south towards Sutton Bonnington. As the rode down Station Road the distinctive sound of a steam train was heard and the Duchess of Sunderland came into view in full flight. (Details obtained from a photographer we met further on). The usual very good value refreshments were enjoyed outside the village shop. The remaining riders then continued south (Ian having taken the direct route home) and, as they approached Fox Hill, Rosalind observed