
Showing posts from August, 2021

Wednesday 25th August 2021

An overcast day with a hint of moisture in the air produced another good turnout with 3 groups setting out. Short Ride Report by John It had originally been the intention that David would lead a ride to Coalville and John lead a shorter ride through Quorn to pick up any riders attracted by the publicity for the Quorn festival. However as only John, David, Marcus, Lyn, Dom, Phil and Isobel remained at the start, it was decided to set out as one group via Quorn. After wending their way around the South Loughborough Development the riders emerged at the Woodthorpe roundabout and proceeded south to Quorn, arriving just before 10.00. As there were no potential riders at Quorn the group carried on south via Rothley ( where a bunch of unidentifiable cyclists was observed speeding down the hill) to Birstall and then turned north through Watermead Park and alongside the canal to Cossington. Refreshment was obtained at the garden centre in Cossington.  The riders returned via Sileby and M

Wednesday 18th August 2021

The forecast is for light cloud with a moderate breeze proved to be correct and despite it being quite cool and several riders away, there was another good turnout requiring 3 rides. Short Ride Report by John After the two other rides had left John, Rosalind, Marcus, Sue, Siva, Derek, Patrick and Isobel remained. It was decided to head west across Garendon and then choose from a variety of routes to the village shop at Normanton on Soar. After negotiating all the dog walkers across Garendon Park, the riders headed north through Long Whatton and onto Kegworth crossing the Soar to reach Kingston. From here it was south through Sutton Bonington and ignoring the road closed signs on the Normanton. Here they met Ray, already esconsed in the shop, and enjoyed the excellent and low cost drink and food. Leaving the village, the riders discovered that the road closure was due to a trench being dug across the road for a gas pipe and only extended for ten yards. Taking advantage of a very

Wednesday 11th August 2021

A sunny but fairly cools summers morning saw a slightly lower turnout with three rides departing from Holt Drive. Short Ride Once the other rides had departed John, Savi, Tina and Howard remained. It was decided to head for East Leake and from there the destinations of Wysall, Sutton Bonington and Normanton would be available. The group set out through the Market Place and onto Meadow Lane, taking the direct route to East Leake. Then on to West Leake where the choice had to be made between three available routes. After a brief discussion the longer route was chosen and the riders headed north up Dark Lane before turning south through Kingston-on-Soar and on to Gallery 119 in Sutton Bonington, where refreshments were obtained. The riders then returned via Normaton and Fox Hill ,after ensuring that Tina's tyres were pumped hard, arriving back in Loughborough at noon. Intermediate Ride, by David. Intermediate ride to Barkby Thorpe – This was an ideal day for a ride; moderate te

Wednesday 4th August 2021

A beautiful sunny summer's morning saw a large turnout at Holt Drive. Short Ride After the other three groups had left, just Rosalind, John, Siva and new rider Tina remained at Holt Drive. As Tina was uncertain as to how far she would be comfortable riding it was decided to head south with either Bradgate Park or the garden centre at Cossington as possible destinations, with a variety of routes available. Hence once again the riders head out past Mucklin Wood and on through Swithland along The Ridings to the Ridgeway. Here the riders paused to check if Tina would prefer the shorter route to Bradgate Park. It was decided to carry on south through Rothley and over the A6 to Wanlip then onto to Birstall, where on this occasion John took the correct entry to Watermead Park, although Tina did have a problem with the road humps on the entry road dislodging her pannier.  The riders then wended their way through Watermead to the Hope and Anchor where they were pleased to discover tha