
Wednesday 16th October 2024

Longer Ride Report by Alan Despite the absence of the three wise men (John, Derek and Howard) and the cast iron assurance of rain at mid-day, the turnout at Holt Drive was surprisingly large. Dave M, David, Trish, Rob, Divendra, Mick and Jones joined me on the odyssey to Twyford. Four bits of good news accompanied us on the trip. Ø    Nobody got a puncture Ø    There was almost no wind Ø    It was unseasonably warm Ø    It didn’t rain   I thought no one could match Mick for riding a pile of c**p each week but I must admit Dave M pushes him pretty close. I don’t think the latter’s bike has ever seen a cleaning cloth or been introduced to an oil can. Coming up Bridge Street in Barrow we had the first of the stoppages where his chain came off. Dave nonchalantly announced “it always does that on hills ... it’s best to avoid them”. Unfortunately for him, and us, I forgot what a hilly ride lay in front of us, and so the chain said farewell to the sprockets a couple of other times later. Stra

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Longer Ride Report by Alan The only way I can convince my wife to get out of bed and join middle aged men and women on a bike ride, on a Wednesday, is to convince her of 3 things. The ride will be short, The weather outside is warm, There is no possibility of rain. On this latter point I put my faith in the hands of (giggly) Carol Kirkwood, the weather woman on BBC Breakfast, who stated categorically that today “would be dry with sunny spells”. Looking out of the window, and seeing darkening clouds building up, together with the rainfall radar showing big blue blobs moving west from Lincolnshire, I knew she was fibbing. No wonder her first husband left her. At 9.15am at Holt Drive there was just Rob, Wendy and me present and raring to go. At 9.28am the numbers had swollen to at least 30, (possibly more) with people pacing around impatiently waiting for the arrival of Holt Drive’s answer to a very slim, and better looking, version of Kim Jong Un. Eventually 8 others joined m

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Medium Ride Report by Tim Jeff, Leigh, Faizia, Tim, Andy, Margaret and Mark set out to Thrussington on a grey morning led by Howard. We worked our way through Loughborough to Meadow Lane, crossed the meadow (with some signs of flooding) then took the turn for Cotes just before Stanford. After crossing the A60 we headed to Burton on the Wolds then along the back road to Wymeswold where we took Brook Street then Narrow Lane, an undulating route (euphemism for coasting down a hill, only to have to climb back up again multiple times) this brought us onto the B676 that we had turned off 20 minutes earlier. The detour was much more pleasant than this main road which we were back on for the next mile, passing under the A46 until we came to the Hoby turn, and quieter cycling. We got some excellent views over East Leicestershire from the road through to Ragdale. This was also 'undulating' but on a scale

Wednesday 18th September 2024

In a week with established high pressure over the country, this was always going to be a fine day. As the four rides set out, it was cloudy, but at least warmer than the previous day, and thus pretty warm for September. Intermediate Ride Report by David David led a ride to Swarkestone, the destination being the Garden Restaurant. He was accompanied by Paul, Rob Smith, Tricia, Margaret and Keith, who was on the Shackerstone ride in July. We left Holt Drive, turning left onto Forest Road, then continued until Benscliffe Drive. At the end of Benscliffe Drive we took Holywell Drive, then Coniston Crescent to enter the University campus near Burleigh Court. Our route through the university took University Road down to Holywell Way, then Oakwood Drive past the Advance Technology Innovation Centre and the track leading to Ashby Road. The traffic lights were in our favour until an aggressive Mecedes driver blasted their horn at Margaret. We followed Ashby Road on the cycle track unti

Wednesday 11th September 2024

A cool autumn morning with a forecast of showers produced a lower turnout than normal with two rides setting out . Short Ride Report by John As the wind was in the north Derek, Myles, Andrew, Paul, Eric, Dennis and John decided to head north. Intitially the sun shone and the riders departed Loughborough via Meadow Lane. They then continued north up the Soar Valley to Kingston on Soar and then north east on the Gotham Road before heading south via Dark Lane to West Leake. Derek, Eric and Andrew heading towards West Leake on Dark Lane At this point the clouds were building and the group continued south east down Brickyard Lane before climbing Travell's Hill. Pausing to regroup at the top, rain was beginning to make its presence felt. The riders descended Butt Lane with the rain rapidly increasing in intensity and riders were glad to arrive in the shelter of the village shop at Normanton on Soar. Derek, Myles, Andrew, Paul, Eric, Dennis (part hidden) and John After refreshment

Wednesday 4th September 2024

The first ride of September produced a rather chilly start, a harbinger of autumn being on its way, and three groups departed Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John After the other groups had departed Rob, Andrew, Chris, Eric, Dom, Clyde and Derek remained with John for a short ride to East Leake. The group rode through Market Square departing Loughborough via Meadow Lane befor heading south to Cotes and then up to Hoton before heading west to Wymeswold. In Wymeswold they turned north to Wysall where they turn west passing through Costock and heading for East Leake. John leading the group south along Stanford Lane Just before reaching East Leake a Coffee Shop sign was spotted and a temporary coffee shop in an Elms Farm field was identified. The sign said closed but activity could be seen and it was decided to investigate. It turned out that the cafe was open but the sole lady in charge hadn't got around to removing the closed sign. Eric, Chris, Rob, Andrew, Derek, Clyde and D

Wednesday 28th August 2024

Short Ride Report by John The short ride proved popular this week and John was joined by Dom, Rob, Myles, Elaine, Dave, David P., Derek, Tricia and David G. on a ride to the Flying Goose Coffee Shop at Six Hills. The riders exited Loughborough via Shelthorpe and headed for Barrow before climbing up to the Salt Way and heading east for Six Hills. David leading Elaine, Derek and Myles The day being a little cool, the group remained inside at the Flying Goose and was joined, shortly before departure, by Eric. Dom, Rob, Myles, Elaine, John, Dave, David P., Derek, Tricia and David G. at the Flying Goose Coffee Shop, Six Hills. As good time had been made on the ride out, the riders opted for a longer return leg, heading south through Ragdale before turning south-west through Hoby and Thussington along the Wreake Valley. After climbing from Ratcliffe the riders descended into the Soar Valley and headed north through Sileby and Mountsorrel, arriving back in Loughborough at 12.30pm. Med

Wednesday 21st August 2014

A blustery but bright morning produced an excellent turnout necessitating four rides. Short Ride Report by John John was joined by Dom, Andrew, Chris, Dennis, David, Derek, Myles and Clyde on a short ride to Bawdon Lodge Tea Rooms. The riders set out through the University and wended their way to the cycle track across Garendon Park which has deteriorated over the last few years with many large holes to be avoided. The group then navigated to Tickow Lane and then Charley Road. Clyde leading the group across Garendon Park Arriving at Bawdon Lodge the riders found Ray already seated. As it was a sunny day it was decided to take refreshments outside. Dom, Andrew, Chris, Dennis, David, Derek, Ray, Myles and Clyde at Bawdon Lodge Tea Rooms The riders returned via Roecliffe and Woodhouse, arriving back in Loughborough just before noon. Derek leads along Charley Road. Medium-Short Ride Report by Tim Howard, Margaret, Stuart, Mick and Tim, led by Jeff♀, set out on a 'gentle'